For women, the prospect of a spa day means hours of pampering of the skin, as well as a chance to unwind and release their tension in a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere. A day spent like this can leave them feeling vibrant, attractive and youthful. Sadly, although the skin of the male organ is subject to some pretty rough handling from day to day, the average spa does not offer this type of luxurious service for the male anatomy. While it may not seem fair, this doesn’t mean that men can’t enjoy the benefits of soft, smooth, youthful skin themselves. An at-home male organ treatment can leave the package feeling supple and rejuvenated, and it may even help to boost sensation that has become dulled over the years.

Who can benefit?

A male organ treatment like this is meant for men who may have male skin that has become dry, roughened and keratinzed due to daily wear and tear from rubbing against clothing, as well as dry manual stroking and/or prolonged intimate contact. Men who have open sores or lesions, or who have experienced an injury resulting in pain or bruising, should seek professional medical advice and follow their doctor’s recommendations for treatment.

4 steps to a healthy, more youthful male organ

1. Soak. A long soak can relieve the soreness that results from a lengthy session with a partner or a little too much solo fun; and of course, it is relaxing for the entire body. Fill the tub with warm – not hot water (overly hot water can strip the skin of its natural oils and leave it feeling dry, tight and itchy). Using fragranced bath oils or salts can seem luxurious, but it is actually not a good idea, as chemical additives can irritate the delicate male skin.

After soaking in the warm water for at least ten minutes, any built-up body oils, grime and other substances can be easily wiped away with the fingertips. Men who are uncircumcised should be sure to pull back the prepuce and remove any smegma. This white, cheesy substance that accumulates under the sheath is a haven for bacteria and can cause unpleasant skin infections characterized by redness, pain and swelling; on top of this, it can produce a fishy, unpleasant aroma.

2.      Exfoliate. After cleansing and relaxing in a warm bath, it is a good idea to exfoliate the male skin. Exfoliating can remove dead skin cells and improve the appearance of the skin, leaving it looking more vibrant and healthy. Exfoliating the male organ should involve no more than a gentle wipe with a soft cloth; scrubbing, using a rough cloth, or applying a chemical exfoliant can damage the tender skin. Some experts recommend using milk as an exfoliant for the male organ – simply rub in and wait for 5-10 minutes, then rinse it away.

3.      Moisturize. Once these steps are complete, it is important to carefully pat the area dry with a soft towel – never rub it dry. An all-natural moisturizer should be applied to the skin directly afterward, while the skin is still warm and at its most absorbent. A high-quality plant-based emollient such as Shea butter is recommended, as it is suitable for nearly all skin types and has powerful moisturizing and healing properties.

4.      Nourish. With all of this work to restore a youthful look and feel to the male organ, it is important to remember that even the manhood needs proper nutrition to stay healthy and function at its best. Nutrients such as vitamin C are essential in reducing keratinization, or the toughening of the skin that occurs naturally as a reaction to ongoing friction against the skin. Vitamins A and E leave the skin soft and smooth, while vitamins B and D have overall protective properties. All of these nutrients can be found in a top-shelf male organ vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A nutrient-rich male organ cream can be used as needed or on a daily basis for optimum male health.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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