External House Painting And Rendering: Why Are They So Much Essential?
What is External House Painting?
Painting the house is the most interesting and fascinating phase in house or building construction. It is a phase where maximum creativity and choice is required. Creativity rendered by the painter and choice of the house dweller. Not only external painting, but painting the internal walls is also a big challenge for the painters. It requires maximum precision and care. A slight mistake could cause a havoc for the dweller and the painter. The dweller has to live in the house and for the painter, because, every work done by a painter is an example of its work experience and acts as a sample of its work. So, utmost care must be taken prior to choosing the painter.
In external house painting, the thing which must be utmost taken care of is the paint to be applied on the outer surface of the wall of the house. The paint to be applied on the house’s external surface must be of supreme quality and must not wither or get destroyed by time and weather. In external house painting, it is utmost essential that the paint to be applied to the exterior surface of the wall is of water-proof nature. As, if the paint will be water-proof, then it will not cause wither, no matter how harsh the weather condition becomes. External House Painting And Rendering must be done with extreme care and attention as a slight mistake may result to serious issue.
What is Rendering?
Rendering refers to the application of cement to external or internal concrete walls or bricks for obtaining a smooth and textured surface. Rendering is also known as solid plastering or cement rendering. Rendering is generally undertaken and done by the specialized plasterers. Rendering could better up the fire rating of a building or waterproofing. However, the basic reason for implementing this is aesthetic.
How is Rendering Done?
Lime, sand and cement are the basic ingredients of Water Proof Renders. Adding up of lime in the mixture, gives the render a creamier mixture and give it an elastic property and less prone to cracking, post drying on it. The sand must be pure and fine. Besides, some other ingredients which are used in rendering mixture, include, additives, bonding agents and pigments which slow up the drying process.
Rendering is generally in a smooth, thin coats with the use of a trowel. The topmost coats must be applied with a brush, trowel, a sponge, a hessian bag; depending upon the preferred surface texture. Rendering is a very crucial job which requires utmost care and attention.