Being on the Internet has become increasingly important for someone, who has a business or thinks of owning one. The Internet opens up a new world for start-ups, savvy businessman or smart entrepreneurs, who want to capitalize on the opportunity to spread their business globally.

Choosing an appropriate domain name for your business is rather crucial. It is important to pick a domain name which is easy to remember and can be easily searched by people.

There are millions possibilities on the Internet and there is a possibility that the .COM you want for your business has already taken! Don’t let this deter you from getting a domain name extension you like. That’s where .WS steps in.

.WS is a generic top-level domain in the Domain Name System of the Internet. If You want a website with international audience, You can’t use a country-specific domain name, like  .de, .nu, .sg, etc. It is better to have a domain name of your choice "myperfectdomain" even if it has a TLD of ".net", ".org" or some other country specific suffix, than to end up choosing an obscure domain name for the simple reason you can't get your first choice. Thus they would settle for domain names like "" or "" or whatever. Against this is the argument that if you get a country specific domain, people might think that your business only caters to that country.

The other reason is that ".net" and ".org" extensions are actually quite acceptable domain names. For some, the ".org" suffix actually describes the non-profit nature of their organisation. So, for example, the famous Apache web server can be found at "".

Registering a .ws Website with the intentions for being dot website has many benefits. .ws Website domain extension simply stands for WebSite, it does not come with an inherent suggestion of the content of the website as a .COM, .INFO, or .ORG does. Many use the .ws Website as a generic domain as a way to show that their site is a specific type of website. As an example: word phrase, like e.g. and very short names like, e.g. This alternative way of using .ws Website is catchy, unique, and easy to remember, and many are finding unregistered and top quality domains using a .ws Website.

Need some extra for your domain name? What about free hosting and 10 e-mail addresses? You can use the pre-installed Wordpress and DrupalCMS systems for your websites and can make 10 subdomains. Not enough? See this:

As a GDI affiliate, you will be rewarded with a 10% commission on the revenue generated from each layer, down through a total of 5 generations, with no limit to how many “front line” (Layer 1) affiliates you may have and therefore no limit to your potential income.

See more at this link!

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