Bitbillions Matrix Stage
Matrix Stage (long-term)
One of the most important core aspects of GBBG is our Matrix and the proprietary Bitcoin Wallet that will be incorporated within the Matrix. Our long-term goal is that all members will share over 50% of our monthly revenue through 3 separate earnings channels. These include a monthly direct referral bonus, monthly revenue sharing pools, and a 3×7 Forced Matrix.
Members will be automatically placed into the next available position within the genealogy of their sponsor. Our proprietary Matrix software and bitcoin wallet will manage membership placement, collect revenue, calculate commissions, and dispense earnings to each member. This is highly complex software. It will take a great deal of capital to implement and make secure.
When we have 6,715 Co-Founder members we will have raised sufficient capital to complete the development of our core software along with a few impressive products. We will then proceed to Matrix Stage as quickly as possible.