Hello friends, today we are going to talk over here about the email marketing. As we know an internet, marketing has been replaced the traditional marketing. The Email marketing is also one of the important parts of the internet marketing. With the help of this article, we will also discuss over the important components of the email marketing for the Joomla powered websites.
What do you believe about an E-mail Marketing component written just for Joomla websites? If, you own a Joomla website and you want to carry out E-mail Marketing Campaigns to boost your site’s image or pictures, components integrating E-mail Marketing services with Joomla are highly recommended.
Campaign monitor 
The E-mail Marketing service Campaign Monitor integrated with Joomla! Provides a component named Joomailer Campaign Monitor Joomailer CM the beta version of Joomailer CM supports these following features that we are going to explain here. These features are extremely handy for the Joomla system.

General features
1.    Subscriber management by adding and deleting names of the people.
2.    Create lists of new subscribers or already existing lists without logging into Campaign Monitor.
3.    Synchronize subscribers from your Joomla! Site to Campaign Monitor and vice verse.
4.    Flag unsubscribed readers automatically
5.    Get access to reports from Campaign Monitor via Joomla! Light box without logging into Campaign Monitor,

Some general email marketing features
6.    People who are in business they are using today website made by the Joomla content management system. Joomla programmers can make a beautiful and catchy website in less time.

•    Check Spam Mails
•    Handle Bounced-back
•    Support WYSIWYG Newsletter Editor
•    Assure CAN-SPAM Compliance
•    Track  Open and Click-through
•    Manage Subscriptions
•    Segment Lists
•    Provide Advanced Analytic

One can hire Joomla developers to get one good website for his marketing purpose.

Above we have given information about the features that considered by the email marketing with one Joomla website in market. We would like to say thanks to the Joomla programmers to provide us this very good facility.

The internet marketing is a very sharp process that can reach you up to the pick point of the popularity if, you are aware about the brand and your products and services. Email marketing supported by the Joomla programmers today and they are providing different features to make it easy. We hope in upcoming days experts will more improve the library of extensions and features to give a new direction to the Joomla. If you want to spread your image in the whole world, so don’t forget the email marketing.

We are one of the leading joomla development companies in Dallas, TX. We offer extensive content management services for Hire Joomla Developers and Dallas SEO Expert more information visit: http://www.covetus.com/index.php

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