I have taken over a Traffic Site Treasure Chest of Ads. You know Me and how I am about Safelist, well in hanging around a few groups in Facebook and hearing the talk about TAE’S  I started spending time in a few and guess what there is good traffic to be had!! So I thought I would have a Traffic site of my own with a focus on the Mailing aspect.

So come on help me out sign up and use the code at the bottom to receive the following:

Points: 100, 0000

ViralAd credits to: 50,000

Solo to add: 10

Banners: 2

Featured Ads: 1

Button Banners: 4

Traffic links: 4

PTC links: 1

Hot links: 2

Login ads: 1

Use Code: treasure (Save the Code)

Oh I am giving this offer for a short time.

Thanks for your help!!

To your success!
Ron Holcomb
facebook: rdholco

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