How to Auto Syndicate Your Blog.

If you syndicate your RSS Feed or advertise it, you will get an immediate boost in traffic to your web site by others reading and/or linking to your information.

Due to my EN blog feed not being operational as of yet, you must create one which sparked me to write this article tip for you.
There's a solution to most everything.

If you already have access to your Feed link you can disregard Feedity if you wish. Simply use the one you have.

If you do not have an rss feed for your content, you must create one.

So what's the purpose of Feedity?

Well, Feedity "automatically" extracts content from public webpages/blogs to instantly create a RSS feed which you can Syndicate.

Create the feed simply by adding your domain name.
Your allowed to create one for free.
Using the domain name:
The resulting feed looks like this:

   Also free.

Using your generated feed from Feedity to set up your feed links to Twitter, Facebook, and linked-in.
TwitterFeed will auto feed your blog content to the social networks
everytime you post blog content.

Lastly, Tell everyone to follow your twitter account via SMS.
Folks can follow your Twitter Tweets simply by texting from their mobile phone:

[Follow yourTwitterUserName] to the shortcode 40404 for US.
DO NOT include brackets[...]

You can get the complete global short code list here...

Now, Everytime you post blog content your automatically syndicating the post via TwitterFeed to FaceBook, Linked-in, and Twitter as well as to everone's cell phone who opted in to follow your Twitter Acct.

This method of course will post the title of your blog post
with a link back to the post in your blog. Google likes that.

I must admit, not bad for free.

Hope you got some value out of that?
If so leave a comment.

More idea's on how to Promote your RSS Feeds:

GoTo: Plug in you feed created with Feedity
and manually share your feed to Twitter and Facebook.
Here's How to Syndicate Your RSS Feed by Herman Drost...

Folks, Keep up with the current times, the web is going mobile. That includes blogging!

Get your mobile blogging platform and start earning here....

William Clinkscales
EmpowerHive Team
Skype: w.clinkscales

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