How To Make Money Without Spending Money
More people try everyday to make large sums of money using the internet. Millions, if not Billions, are spent non stop of net-workers trying to find their special niche and try the latest program that is guaranteed to make them a millionaire overnight.
I hate to be the one who breaks your bubble but it is a known fact that 97% of all net-workers fail. In other words, out of 100 net-workers, 97 will fail and 3 will succeed. Out of those 3 that succeed less than 1% will be in net-working after 6 months. (These are my figures and used as realistic examples.)
The answer is to teach yourself how to make money without spending money. This article will show you how I make money first, then use that money to promote and build my net-working business.
One of my biggest problems I have personally is wanting to try anything and every program that I think will make me a success. On the positive side, however, extreme drive and determination has been a large factor in preventing myself from giving up.
I learned a lot time ago that if you don't quit, you can't fail. That made it easy for me to decide I was going to stay in this until I succeeded. The trick is to not spend yourself into debt. (Something our governments need to learn.)
However, before you ever think about getting into net-working, decide how much money you can afford to lose, and then use that amount to start net-working.
I decided I could not afford to lose any money at all. Unfortunately, I had lost a lot before I reached this decision.
The following link is for a FREE E-Book. It will take you to a splash page, where you can click the button and download my E-Book. Everything you will see and use in this is 100% FREE.
There are some programs inside the E-Book that cost a little but they are not necessary if you don't want to join. The link is: FREE E-BOOK
Applied knowledge is what is needed to succeed on the internet. This FREE book will get you started.
Feel free to contact me if you have questions.