Help a family start a new life!

Posted by Janet G.
841 Pageviews

Dear readers and (future) supporters,

my name is Janet Giessl and I would like to welcome you on this page! Let me explain why I created this page and how you can help me and my family!

We are a multicultural family, currently living in Germany, that needs help to make their dream come true.

Who we are:

Kakhaber Zarkua, head of family, 42 years old, originally from Georgia (Europe)

Janet Giessl, Kakhaber's wife, 33 years old, German and Filipino origins

Andro Zarkua, son, 4 years old

Marissa Zarkua, daugther, 18 months

Our biggest dream has always been to move to my husband's home country Georgia in Europe (not in the U.S.). My husband inherited a house there from his grandparents which needs a renovation (after the cival wars). After the civil wars the situation of people in Georgia has become worse, so there was no money left for a renovation. 

My husband and I have tried to work hard and save money for this renovation but unfortunately, fate has dealt a bad hand for us - a failed business, sicknesses and pregnancy complications have upset our plans. We have been struggling since then but we have never given up our biggest dream. We would not only love to renovate my husband's house but also build a small hotel from it. You can see the house on the picture. 

We would heartily ask you to help us fulfill this dream with the help of your donation. 



Just visit this page:

We would be so appreciative of your support and generosity! 

Many, many thanks, 

Janet Giessl and family