Earning by photo and click

Posted by Digital Communication Agency
452 Pageviews
Just click and earn!
Yes it's free! You will never have to pay anything out of your pocket! Learn how to earn! Easiest ways even fifth grader can do it takes approximately 30 - 60 days that you start earn real money. All you need to do is to click on Like of people that you actually Like and add Members you want to Add. When you notice that Google index your page and you have rank 2 or higher then you can start thinking of monetizing your page. When time comes contact a guide in Forum for your country, see above!
Refer just family and friends!
Yes it's also free! You will never have to pay anything out of your pocket! Choose people you like; who ever they are, they'll boost your earnings through the Sky. One person can literally make you rich! Take a look how rich at the bottom of the page!

  • Become active referrer!
    Yes it's also free! You will never have to pay anything out of your pocket! Refer only 10 active Members that will do the same as you do and you are all set. You will never have to worry about making a living again. Refer 30 active Members and you can practically retire on them. Take a look how many active Members you have to refer and how much you can earn. You can refer while posting your Bio page!

  • Sell packages!
    Yes it's also free! But if you want rapid progress you will take first $10 out of your pocket for Pro Membership! You want to do that because Pro Member earns on all products 10% - 100% more then regular Members. Selling packages is easy and you don't need to convince anyone because everybody who has website on internet needs these packages for existence.

  • What's with the Bonus?
    It's not free money! Every Member will have the chance to withdraw bonus at launch in compliance with Terms and Conditions. Every Member can withdraw as much bonus as he/she withdraw funds from earnings. For example if you withdraw from earnings $100 then you MUST withdraw also from bonus $100. You are not allow to leave bonus, it must be withdrawn - it shouldn't be a problem to follow this rule!.

    Get Google PR4, PR5 or even PR6+ for your website free! Join us and we'll teach you!
    You'll get Google PR4 in about 5 weeks
    You'll get Google PR5 in 5 - 7 weeks
    You'll get Google PR6+ in 2 - 3 months

    Don't forget to Create profile pages and get even highe Google PR for your websites. You can accomplish higher Google PR for all your websites. Below are URLs you should use while posting your referral links at other websites. Always use different URL.
  •   If you take the steps to keep your account active, you'll earn a variable daily rate which will be automatically added to your SVIOR account balance.