The average male is intimately familiar with the topography of his male organ, as this particular tool tends to receive a good deal of attention. While this hyper-vigilance sometimes leads men to panic over minor abrasions – or even perfectly normal variations in skin tone or texture – it is a good idea to pay attention to changes in the skin that might indicate a problem. Male organ bumps, lumps, lesions or other marks that appear either suddenly or gradually should not be ignored, as they may be a sign of a disease that requires medical attention. Some common causes of male organ bumps are discussed here, as well as some suggestions for male organ care and disease prevention.

1. Fordyce spots – A large percentage of men have a number of skin-colored or pale bumps that dot the manhood skin, and many men are extremely concerned about their appearance. While only a trained medical professional can tell for sure, a scattering of bumps like this may be nothing more than Fordyce spots, or enlarged follicles. These are common, natural and harmless, and in most cases, they are much more noticeable to the owner of the male organ than to any potential partner.

2. Male organ warts – Warts in the private area are typically caused by a virus known as HPV – human papillomavirus. This is the same microbe that is responsible for warts on other parts of the body, as well as skin tags and similar fleshy growths. HPV warts on the male organ are caused by a specific strain of the virus, and they are highly transmittable. Because the presence of HPV has been linked to cancer, particularly in women, men who have warts should take care not to exposure their partner. The virus itself typically clears up on its own, although this can take months or even years.

3. HSV – Open sores or blisters on the head or shaft of the male organ may be an indication of HSV, an infection that is highly contagious and, at present, incurable. Medications are necessary to control HSV outbreaks, but even when there are no sores present, the disease can be transmitted to a partner.

4. Cancer – Bumps or sores that do not heal, or that grow or change in appearance, can be an indication of cancer. Any unusual skin growths should be evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible after they are discovered, since early treatment is key to a successful cure. 

All-around Care and Maintenance

While there are no guarantees or sure-fire tricks when it comes to avoiding unpleasant male organ problems, men can take proactive measures in order to keep the member in top form. Using barrier protection for each and every encounter is the first line of defense, helping to protect against diseases such as HPV and HSV.

Washing carefully every day, and also after any intimate contact, should also be part of a man’s routine, and guys can take an extra step in preventing infections by urinating right after oral contact or coupling – this flushes out the urethra and may eliminate harmful microbes before they can take hold.

Adding a top-drawer male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is fortified with antibacterial vitamin A, as well as disease-fighting vitamins C and D, can provide an additional layer of defense against disease. High-quality moisturizers such as Shea butter, added to a nourishing health creme, improves the tone and texture of the skin and boosts its resistance to disease and environmental hazards. Applying a creme like this directly after a bath or shower, while the skin is warm and absorbent, is an excellent way to guard against potential male organ problems.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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