Fuel Network International
Each Global Affiliate starts out at the Global Affiliate Director I Rank when they enroll their 2 personally sponsored activated membership sales.
Once the GAD I reaches 50 paid cycles in a day they will receive an online voucher that they can redeem the following month for a bonus business center inserted above their current business center providing an opportunity to begin earning at the next GAD level.
This will repeat for each earned level until a maximum of ten business centers.
As a Global Affiliate you can earn up to $10,000 A DAYthrough our INSTANT PAY Multi Positional Binary Network Marketing Compensation Plan that pays $20 when you Cycle with just One New Membership Sale on Each Team starting with the second cycle of each day.
Your First cycle of Each Day will automatically give you Four $5 Fuel Promotional Cards which you can use to sign up others and even redeem yourself up to $3640 in FREE FUEL for the year!