Make money on the power of the computer.

Posted by Rostislav Tagiev
1377 Pageviews

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New Project Digital Generation, in which you can earn in the included PC.  After registration, you need to download their software and run it. To start you need to have a generation of active threads. First give a free month to write the ticket admin on English (Threads;)(Hello, I checked asking me to activate the trial period.) activates a trial mode, you can buy more threads, each worth $ 50. Payments instantly at Liberty reserve, Perfect money, Payza and a bank. Payments instantly from $ 1. Ref 2 levels: 20% and 10%.  registration 

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 ...A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing. And when Humanity lands there, it looks out, and, seeing a better country, sets sail. Progress is the realisation of Utopias.
- Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism

Its not a secret that the world is ruled by money, ambition, political plots and silent conspiracies. One hundred years ago, protesting against this state of affairs would have been a meaningless and utopian idea. In this high-tech era, mankind is able to radically change the criminal world order, where the future of the world is is pushed to the back, and in its place the enrichment of a select few individuals and countries stands. The only things we need to complete our goal are consolidation, belief in the end result, and for people to understand the enormity and significance of this project.

The idea for the project came about as the result of the 58th Bilderberg meeting (Sitges, Spain 3-6 June 2010) where, as part of the conference, the problems of social networks, science and cyber-techology, the Global crisis and other important topics were discussed. The idea of using distributed processing to completely change the current deplorable state of affairs in the scientific realm was discussed in at a small round table. The ideological foundation of our project was laid down in lobbies, and later it was further built upon by a seperate group of participants. Today the project is prepared to expand the borders of possibility, give humanity a chance to rapidly progress forward, finance innovative developments, and support cutting edge and practical scientific work. The possibilities of our super-computer are limitless. Its scale is unprecedented, and via good management it will lack ideological prejudices. And for the future, it will help to usher in a new Digital World Order, that has never before been seen, one that is timeless and uninfluenced by current prejudices.