Sore Male Organ Symptom Checker - When it’s Time for Professional Help

Posted by John Dugan
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Most every one wakes up with aches and pains on occasion, and unfortunately; it seems that as one ages, this becomes a more regular occurrence.  Most of these aches are a minor inconvenience that are forgotten by the time the first cup of coffee has been downed, but sometimes they are persistent and may be a sign of something more serious.  When a man wakes up with a sore male organ – no matter if he is 19 or 89-years-old – the source of the pain should be considered and never ignored, as it could be the sign of something more serious.  Learn which warning signs may indicate a male organ condition that requires medical attention.  After all, when it comes to the family jewels, a healthy male organ is a happy male organ.

Common Male Organ Symptoms and What They May Mean

1. Burning sensation during urination:  A common symptom of a sore male organ is the dreaded burn while using the bathroom – the intensity of this symptom can range from a mild stinging, to feeling like one is shooting fire! This unpleasant situation may signal any of the following conditions: bladder infection, urinary tract infection, partner-transmitted infection, prostatitis, or even prostate cancer.

2. Oozing discharge or blood: An oozing Johnson is an unpleasant way to start the day, and a pretty good indication that an infection -- or worse -- is going on.  A discharge may signal orchitis—or infection and inflammation of the sack –an allergic reaction, trauma or injury, or an abscess. Make an appointment with the doctor right away to flesh out what is really going on.

3. Blood in the urine: Blood in the urine is surely a shocking sight to any man, and while it may not indicate anything serious, a call to the doc should be made, as it could be a sign of a serious infection.  Infection of the bladder, urethra, ureters, and kidneys can all lead to blood in the urine.  Kidney stones, infections and bladder cancer are other possible culprits.

4. Bump or sore on the male organ:  Possibilities for bumps or sores on the shaft of the male organ are varied and include male organ acne, irritation from clothing, allergic reaction to medication or even new soap or dryer sheets.  The bump may also indicate something more serious such as a communicable disease. Make an appointment to get the area checked out, as it could also be transmittable to partners.

5. Nodule or lump on the sack: Any lump found on the berries is cause for an immediate trip to the doctor.  It is possible the lump is completely harmless, such as an ingrown hair, inflamed follicle, or cyst, but it is also possible that it is a tumor or cancerous lump that needs removal. A man should never delay on getting a lump or bump checked out.

6. Dry skin on the male organ:  Dry skin may simply be the result of a change of season, particularly if other areas of the body are also experiencing dry skin.  It may also be caused by a skin condition known as psoriasis, or may be the result of too frequent self-pleasuring that is causing skin irritation.

Keeping the Male Organ Healthy

With so many conditions sharing similar symptoms, diagnosis can, at times, be tricky.  The doc may not even be able to pinpoint what the problem is without taking some samples, for this reason it is not a good idea to self-diagnose a male organ condition. What may seem like something that will go away in a day or two, may actually require a round of antibiotics to clear up, and what’s worse, may be transmitted to other individuals without treatment. When it comes to the health of the male organ, prevention is key.  So when it doubt, get it checked out by a doctor.

Other preventative measures include proper daily hygiene to reduce the threat of infection caused by bacteria, using a rubber during intimacy, and using a daily male organ vitamin lotion (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) A male organ vitamin lotion can help hydrate the skin, and choosing one with vitamin A can help fight infection causing bacteria to keep the male organ healthier.  Simply apply after the daily shower and be on the way to a healthier manhood.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.