Advance UFT (QTP), A Professional Approach to Software Quality Testing
Ducat, a reckoned Noida based IT training institute is acknowledged for offering quality based technical education. We committed to provide best IT education to the students according to their skills, interests and current industry requirements. Our emerging education center is assisted by adept and well- qualified faculty members having immense experience in technical field.
Advance QTP (UFT) 11.0 Duration: 45 hrs
PART-1 VB Scripting and Basic QTP (UFT)
Module-1 QTP (UFT) Fundamentals
Why QTP (UFT)?
When do we use QTP (UFT)?
Which application will we test? Will be doing live applications testing
Downloading and installing trial version
Installing addins
Making QTP (UFT) work on Windows 7
Installing script debugger
QTP (UFT) vs other automation tools
Advantages/ Disadvantages of QTP (UFT)
How much VB scripting is required in QTP (UFT)?
Simple Record and Run
Module-2 VB Scripting Fundamentals
What is VB? Why VB in QTP (UFT)?
variables and constants
Msgbox, Inputbox, vbCRLF
Running Script
Concatination operator
Managing long Strings
Run from Step and Run to Step
While loop, for loop
Exiting loops
Debugging Script
Practical usage of loops in QTP (UFT)
Creating/Executing VB scripts in QTP (UFT)
Creating/Executing VB scripts in notepad
Module - 3 Arrays,Sub,Functions and Objects in VB
Redim and arrays
Using Inbuilt VB Functions
Type Conversion functions
Date and Time functions
Comparing dates
Formatting dates
String manipulation functions
Practical usage of functions in QTP (UFT)
On error resume next
Methods and Properties of Err Object
Module - 4 Regular Expressions in VB
What are Regular expressions
Matches Collection
Match Object
Where can we use regular expressions
Regular expression Patterns in VB
RegExp Object in VB
Global Property in Regular expression
Ignorecase Property in Regular expression
Pattern Property in Regular Expression
Execute method of in Regular expression object
Replace method of in Regular expression object
Test method of in Regular expression object
Using Matches collection, match object and RegExp Object to evaluate regular expressions
Regular expression examples/exercises
Module - 5 Dictionary Object, File Handling(FSO) in VB
What is Dictionary Object in VB
Methods and Properties of Dictionary Object
What is FileSystemObject
FileSystemObject object methods and properties
Reading, Writing, Creating, Deleting files
Creating files Using FSO
Writing files Using FSO
Reading Files Using FSO
Files Collection - Handling multiple files
Folders Collection - Handling multiple folders
Random Number generation
Module - 6 Handling XLS files with VB script
Why do we need Xls file handling?
VB script to create xls file
Opening existing xls file
FileSystemObject object methods and properties
VB script to find if XLS file is existing
Overriding an existing file
Adding sheet / Deleting sheets
Counting number of rows/column in a sheet
Reading from XLS File
Writing in XLS File
Determining if sheet/column is existing
Copying contents of one sheet to another
Comparing contents of 2 sheets
Concept of function library
Creating custom Xls Functions and storing them in VBS File
Preparing custom functions to read, write, delete and add sheets/cells/columns
Module - 7 Basics of QTP (UFT)
Creating a new Test
Record and Run settings
Rules for recording web based applications
Rules for recording windows based applications
Run from step and Run to step
Commenting and uncommenting code
Record and run settings
Changing font size in QTP (UFT)
Expert view and Keyword view - Which is better?
Optional Steps
Slowing down the script execution speed
Saving the test
Batch Runner
Module - 8 Recording types, Virtual objects
What If QTP (UFT) fails to recognize objects?
Analog Recording Mode
Low Level Recording Mode
Virtual objects and their usage
Module - 9 Objects, Object Repository
What is an object?
Object Spy
Features in Object Spy
Classification of objects
Object Repository
Mapping OR with code and application
Object hierarchy in Object repository
Dragging objects
Object Synchronization and wait
Adding objects manually in OR
Adding all objects of page in OR
Adding selected objects of page
Finding Object in OR from app
Finding Object in app from OR
Storing OR on hard disk
Local and shared object repository
Implementing QTP (UFT) in your project and importance of shared repository
Object repository manager
Merging object repositories
Module - 10 Object Identification
Native and Identification Properties
GetRoProperty - Read Identification properties
Script to find browser version
Script to print browser title
Find number of search results on live applications
List box / Multi Select List Box
Input Box
Radio Buttons
Identifying/reading Text from application
Spy Operations
Capture screenshot of page
Capture screenshot of an object like Link, button etc
Module - 11 Working without OR, Handling Webtables
Working without Object repository
Why/When to work without OR
Counting total open browsers
Closing all open Browsers
Identifying object with single/multiple properties without using OR
What if 2 objects have same Properties
Working with Links opening in new tab
What is a Webtables
Counting columns in a Webtables
Counting rows in a Webtables
Extracting data from a Webtables
Dynamic Webtables
Get row with cell data
Webtables inside Webtables
Module - 12 Reports , ToProperty and ROProperty, Object validation
Various Test Status
Reporter Object
Properties and Methods of reporter object
Attaching Screenshots in Reports
Marking test case fail/pass
Difference between TO Property and RO property
Comparing RO and TO properties
Reporting RO and TO properties validation in reports using a dictionary object
Module - 13 Datatable/XL file handling
Why data table
What is data table object
Local and global sheets
Global Sheet - Reading/writing data
Local Sheet - Reading/writing data
Adding custom sheets in data table
Run time Data table
Adding columns through script
Importing xls sheet data into data table sheet
Importing complete xls file in data table
Exporting sheet from xls file
Exporting complete data table to xls file
Module - 14 Environment variables , Data table example
What are Environment variables?
In-built and user defined environment variables
Practical Usage of environment variables
Importing/ environment variables from XML file
Module - 15 Xpath based object identification
What are xpaths
Generating your own Xpaths
Various HTML components
Xpaths in IE and Mozilla
Absolute and partial Xpaths
How can we use Xpaths in QTP (UFT)
Using multiple properties in XPATHs
Variable xpaths
Common Xpaths
Testing Links with Xpaths
Module - 16 Actions, Function Libraries
What Is action?
Exit Action
Multiple Actions in Test
Shared OR of the Actions
What are reusable actions
Creating and calling a reusable action
Local Functions
Library Functions
Practical usage of function libraries
When to use reusable actions and when to use function libraries
Split Action
Module - 17 Regular Expressions in Object Repository
Why do we need regex in OR??
Dynamically changing Objects
Creating/Using Regular expression validation function
Validating dynamically changing Objects
Validating dynamic time displayed on webpage
Validating dynamic text on webpage
Validating dynamic contents in Webtables cells
Module - 18 Parameterization
What is Parameterization
Dynamic Parameterization
Data Table Parameterization
Random Parameterization
Module - 19 Checkpoints and Output Values
What are checkpoints?
Active screen
Concept of step generator
Standard Checkpoint
Text checkpoint
Text area checkpoint
Bitmap checkpoint
Database checkpoint
Accessibility checkpoint
XML Checkpoint
Practicality of checkpoints
Checkpoints in Webtables
What is output value?
Standard Output value
Text Output value
Text area Output value
Database Output value
Checkpoints and output value with Webtables
Parameterizing output values
Practicality of checkpoints and output value
Part-2 Advanced QTP (UFT)- Descriptive Programming
Module - 20 Descriptive programming using VB
Counting all the objects in a page
How does QTP (UFT) extracts objects
Extracting all the objects and printing properties of objects
What is Micclass
Extracting all links of page and printing their names
When do we use descriptive programming and bulk object extraction
Unique properties and similar objects
Extracting specific objects
Descriptive programming and various web components
Finding all result links after searching on Live Applications
Exercise on online applications
Navigating through Pagination links
Module - 21 Descriptive Programming/VB continued
Objects inside objects
Finding Objects which do not have Unique properties
Login Text Fields in any live applications
Closing all open Browsers
Using regular expressions in descriptions
Using Regex to Handle dynamically changing object ID
Module - 22 Descriptive programming/VB - Testing Links
Extracting links and clicking them one by one
How to find if link is broken
Testing Pagination Links
Module - 23 Descriptive Programming and Webtables
Desktop Object
Practical Usage of desktop Object
Finding browser version/type
Extracting objects from Webtables
Extracting Objects from specific cells of Webtables
Pagination with Webtables on Live Applications
Exercise on Webtables example
Module - 24 Recovery Scenarios
What is recovery scenario manager?
When do we use Recover scenario in QTP (UFT)?
Various phases of recovery scenario
Handling popups with recovery scenario
Handling errors with Recovery scenario
How is Recovery Scenario different than 'on error resume next'
Parameters of the recovery Function
Enabling conditions of recovery scenario
Module - 25 QC connection with UI
What is QC
QC Addin
QC Test Plan
QC Test Resources
QC Test Lab
Saving a Test in QC
Adding Test to QC Test Set
Executing QTP (UFT) test through QC
Viewing QTP (UFT) test run reports through QC
Adding Environment Variables to QC
Adding Function Library in QC
Adding xls files in QC
Adding Object repository in QC
Attaching Function Library to local test from QC
Attaching Object repository to local test from QC
Executing QTP (UFT) test with function libraries, xls, OR and environment variables from QC
Raising defects in QC from QTP (UFT)s
Module - 26 QC Open Test Architecture (OTA)
What is OTA
Why do we need OTA
QC OTA Documentation
TDApiOle80.TDConnection Factory
VB script to Connect to QC
Connecting to project and domain in QC
Logging in QC
TestSetFactory in QC OTA
TestSetTreeManager in QC OTA
Finding a testset in QC
Executing testSet in QC
Disconnecting from project
Logging out from QC/Releasing connection
Creating a testSet
Adding tests to test Set
Part - 4 Framework development on Live Mini Projects
Module - 30 Data Driven Framework
Module - 31 Hybrid frameworks
Advance QTP (UFT) 11.0 Duration: 45 hrs
PART-1 VB Scripting and Basic QTP (UFT)
Module-1 QTP (UFT) Fundamentals
Why QTP (UFT)?
When do we use QTP (UFT)?
Which application will we test? Will be doing live applications testing
Downloading and installing trial version
Installing addins
Making QTP (UFT) work on Windows 7
Installing script debugger
QTP (UFT) vs other automation tools
Advantages/ Disadvantages of QTP (UFT)
How much VB scripting is required in QTP (UFT)?
Simple Record and Run
Module-2 VB Scripting Fundamentals
What is VB? Why VB in QTP (UFT)?
variables and constants
Msgbox, Inputbox, vbCRLF
Running Script
Concatination operator
Managing long Strings
Run from Step and Run to Step
While loop, for loop
Exiting loops
Debugging Script
Practical usage of loops in QTP (UFT)
Creating/Executing VB scripts in QTP (UFT)
Creating/Executing VB scripts in notepad
Module - 3 Arrays,Sub,Functions and Objects in VB
Redim and arrays
Using Inbuilt VB Functions
Type Conversion functions
Date and Time functions
Comparing dates
Formatting dates
String manipulation functions
Practical usage of functions in QTP (UFT)
On error resume next
Methods and Properties of Err Object
Module - 4 Regular Expressions in VB
What are Regular expressions
Matches Collection
Match Object
Where can we use regular expressions
Regular expression Patterns in VB
RegExp Object in VB
Global Property in Regular expression
Ignorecase Property in Regular expression
Pattern Property in Regular Expression
Execute method of in Regular expression object
Replace method of in Regular expression object
Test method of in Regular expression object
Using Matches collection, match object and RegExp Object to evaluate regular expressions
Regular expression examples/exercises
Module - 5 Dictionary Object, File Handling(FSO) in VB
What is Dictionary Object in VB
Methods and Properties of Dictionary Object
What is FileSystemObject
FileSystemObject object methods and properties
Reading, Writing, Creating, Deleting files
Creating files Using FSO
Writing files Using FSO
Reading Files Using FSO
Files Collection - Handling multiple files
Folders Collection - Handling multiple folders
Random Number generation
Module - 6 Handling XLS files with VB script
Why do we need Xls file handling?
VB script to create xls file
Opening existing xls file
FileSystemObject object methods and properties
VB script to find if XLS file is existing
Overriding an existing file
Adding sheet / Deleting sheets
Counting number of rows/column in a sheet
Reading from XLS File
Writing in XLS File
Determining if sheet/column is existing
Copying contents of one sheet to another
Comparing contents of 2 sheets
Concept of function library
Creating custom Xls Functions and storing them in VBS File
Preparing custom functions to read, write, delete and add sheets/cells/columns
Module - 7 Basics of QTP (UFT)
Creating a new Test
Record and Run settings
Rules for recording web based applications
Rules for recording windows based applications
Run from step and Run to step
Commenting and uncommenting code
Record and run settings
Changing font size in QTP (UFT)
Expert view and Keyword view - Which is better?
Optional Steps
Slowing down the script execution speed
Saving the test
Batch Runner
Module - 8 Recording types, Virtual objects
What If QTP (UFT) fails to recognize objects?
Analog Recording Mode
Low Level Recording Mode
Virtual objects and their usage
Module - 9 Objects, Object Repository
What is an object?
Object Spy
Features in Object Spy
Classification of objects
Object Repository
Mapping OR with code and application
Object hierarchy in Object repository
Dragging objects
Object Synchronization and wait
Adding objects manually in OR
Adding all objects of page in OR
Adding selected objects of page
Finding Object in OR from app
Finding Object in app from OR
Storing OR on hard disk
Local and shared object repository
Implementing QTP (UFT) in your project and importance of shared repository
Object repository manager
Merging object repositories
Module - 10 Object Identification
Native and Identification Properties
GetRoProperty - Read Identification properties
Script to find browser version
Script to print browser title
Find number of search results on live applications
List box / Multi Select List Box
Input Box
Radio Buttons
Identifying/reading Text from application
Spy Operations
Capture screenshot of page
Capture screenshot of an object like Link, button etc
Module - 11 Working without OR, Handling Webtables
Working without Object repository
Why/When to work without OR
Counting total open browsers
Closing all open Browsers
Identifying object with single/multiple properties without using OR
What if 2 objects have same Properties
Working with Links opening in new tab
What is a Webtables
Counting columns in a Webtables
Counting rows in a Webtables
Extracting data from a Webtables
Dynamic Webtables
Get row with cell data
Webtables inside Webtables
Module - 12 Reports , ToProperty and ROProperty, Object validation
Various Test Status
Reporter Object
Properties and Methods of reporter object
Attaching Screenshots in Reports
Marking test case fail/pass
Difference between TO Property and RO property
Comparing RO and TO properties
Reporting RO and TO properties validation in reports using a dictionary object
Module - 13 Datatable/XL file handling
Why data table
What is data table object
Local and global sheets
Global Sheet - Reading/writing data
Local Sheet - Reading/writing data
Adding custom sheets in data table
Run time Data table
Adding columns through script
Importing xls sheet data into data table sheet
Importing complete xls file in data table
Exporting sheet from xls file
Exporting complete data table to xls file
Module - 14 Environment variables , Data table example
What are Environment variables?
In-built and user defined environment variables
Practical Usage of environment variables
Importing/ environment variables from XML file
Module - 15 Xpath based object identification
What are xpaths
Generating your own Xpaths
Various HTML components
Xpaths in IE and Mozilla
Absolute and partial Xpaths
How can we use Xpaths in QTP (UFT)
Using multiple properties in XPATHs
Variable xpaths
Common Xpaths
Testing Links with Xpaths
Module - 16 Actions, Function Libraries
What Is action?
Exit Action
Multiple Actions in Test
Shared OR of the Actions
What are reusable actions
Creating and calling a reusable action
Local Functions
Library Functions
Practical usage of function libraries
When to use reusable actions and when to use function libraries
Split Action
Module - 17 Regular Expressions in Object Repository
Why do we need regex in OR??
Dynamically changing Objects
Creating/Using Regular expression validation function
Validating dynamically changing Objects
Validating dynamic time displayed on webpage
Validating dynamic text on webpage
Validating dynamic contents in Webtables cells
Module - 18 Parameterization
What is Parameterization
Dynamic Parameterization
Data Table Parameterization
Random Parameterization
Module - 19 Checkpoints and Output Values
What are checkpoints?
Active screen
Concept of step generator
Standard Checkpoint
Text checkpoint
Text area checkpoint
Bitmap checkpoint
Database checkpoint
Accessibility checkpoint
XML Checkpoint
Practicality of checkpoints
Checkpoints in Webtables
What is output value?
Standard Output value
Text Output value
Text area Output value
Database Output value
Checkpoints and output value with Webtables
Parameterizing output values
Practicality of checkpoints and output value
Part-2 Advanced QTP (UFT)- Descriptive Programming
Module - 20 Descriptive programming using VB
Counting all the objects in a page
How does QTP (UFT) extracts objects
Extracting all the objects and printing properties of objects
What is Micclass
Extracting all links of page and printing their names
When do we use descriptive programming and bulk object extraction
Unique properties and similar objects
Extracting specific objects
Descriptive programming and various web components
Finding all result links after searching on Live Applications
Exercise on online applications
Navigating through Pagination links
Module - 21 Descriptive Programming/VB continued
Objects inside objects
Finding Objects which do not have Unique properties
Login Text Fields in any live applications
Closing all open Browsers
Using regular expressions in descriptions
Using Regex to Handle dynamically changing object ID
Module - 22 Descriptive programming/VB - Testing Links
Extracting links and clicking them one by one
How to find if link is broken
Testing Pagination Links
Module - 23 Descriptive Programming and Webtables
Desktop Object
Practical Usage of desktop Object
Finding browser version/type
Extracting objects from Webtables
Extracting Objects from specific cells of Webtables
Pagination with Webtables on Live Applications
Exercise on Webtables example
Module - 24 Recovery Scenarios
What is recovery scenario manager?
When do we use Recover scenario in QTP (UFT)?
Various phases of recovery scenario
Handling popups with recovery scenario
Handling errors with Recovery scenario
How is Recovery Scenario different than 'on error resume next'
Parameters of the recovery Function
Enabling conditions of recovery scenario
Module - 25 QC connection with UI
What is QC
QC Addin
QC Test Plan
QC Test Resources
QC Test Lab
Saving a Test in QC
Adding Test to QC Test Set
Executing QTP (UFT) test through QC
Viewing QTP (UFT) test run reports through QC
Adding Environment Variables to QC
Adding Function Library in QC
Adding xls files in QC
Adding Object repository in QC
Attaching Function Library to local test from QC
Attaching Object repository to local test from QC
Executing QTP (UFT) test with function libraries, xls, OR and environment variables from QC
Raising defects in QC from QTP (UFT)s
Module - 26 QC Open Test Architecture (OTA)
What is OTA
Why do we need OTA
QC OTA Documentation
TDApiOle80.TDConnection Factory
VB script to Connect to QC
Connecting to project and domain in QC
Logging in QC
TestSetFactory in QC OTA
TestSetTreeManager in QC OTA
Finding a testset in QC
Executing testSet in QC
Disconnecting from project
Logging out from QC/Releasing connection
Creating a testSet
Adding tests to test Set
Part - 4 Framework development on Live Mini Projects
Module - 30 Data Driven Framework
Module - 31 Hybrid frameworks
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