Evolution of programming languages with IT staffing

Posted by Carsten Rj
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Information technology has given us different types of services to use in our daily life, people are now days crazy about those services, and they are not spending a single day without those services. When information technology came in existence, so people are not working, as they should do. We can see in each area as when people were not using phone they were writing letter to each other and they were use to go to meet their relatives in their city ,but today people are busy they don’t have time for their family even so how they will be able to go the home of their relatives.

Evolution in technology has been coming from long time. And now it is not going to stop even it will go next level each time .People are trying to get more and more facility and they are always busy to increase their convenience and to get money is the main aim of their life today. Computer when came in existence so the instruction which people were thinking to give to the computer were the major problem. They use to thinking before that what they can apply an effective way to prepare the instructions to give the computer by which it can work efficiently.

For the computer first they were working on the languages such as COBOL, Pascal, but after some time c and C++ came in existence and it worked nicely but still it was creating some problem means first C language came it was structured oriented but due to some pitfalls C++ came and it recovered the some problems and increased the facilities. But nowadays after C++ many languages have been come in market. These languages are providing extra ordinary facilities and they are increasing the convenience for the software engineers.

The languages are in existence and daily some new update or new features are coming with these technologies and adding new versions too. New versions are improved version. If we talk about the previous day so in that older time programming languages predate the modern computer and at first the language was codes. Between the year 1950 and 1960 some following languages were in existence such as

·         FORTRAN

·         LISP

·         COBOL

After that concept of algorithm came and according to that engineers thought that we should write the steps step by step according to that it would be clear to get our program result, so they started to write their query solution on the paper and they observed that steps. Now they thought we have to implement it so they applied c language because it was structured oriented and after implementation it was giving result nicely so this is why it became popular in that time. After this to remove some pitfall each time engineers did new experiment according to their need and





Like that, languages now working in market .It are going to develop more in future and it will take a huge IT staffing form.

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