How to wake up your brain
Wake Up Your Brain!I have identified "Partial Brain Turn-Off Syndrome" (PBTOS) as a central human problem. Most humans suffer from PBTOS to various degrees, preventing them from becoming fully-functioning humans who achieve the levels of success they aspire to. About 3:40 into the Noreena Hertz video, she refers to an experiment where adults had their brains scanned as they were listening to experts speak. The independent decision-making parts of their brains switched off... "literally flatlined!" She claims that we've become "addicted to experts." About 4:20 into the video, she says: "Doctors misdiagnose about 4 times out of 10." There's a "self-improvement industry" in the USA with reported sales of $10-12 billion per year. This industry largely fails to produce worthwhile results for its "clients" (or victims?) -- at the time of this writing (11/12/10), James Arthur Ray (a principal of the "The Secret" scam) is being prosecuted for manslaughter because of three deaths at his Sedona "sweat lodge"). Several books examine the failure of the "self-improvement industry":
The failure of the "self-improvement industry" creates a huge "Opportunity Gap" as explained in the Jim Edwards video to the right. It seems quite likely that many people who buy "self-improvement" books, attend workshops, etc. fail to improve significantly because they suffer from Partial Brain Turn-Off Syndrome (PBTOS). Typically, the "self-improvement industry" does NOT provide people with the means to sufficiently turn on their brains to overcome whatever may be constraining them. In the typical bookstore, the "self-improvement/psychology" section contains the most books... because they don't work for most buyers... so they later come back to buy more... Most people may suffer from PBTOS to a degree that makes it difficult or impossible for them to read a "self-improvement" book, benefit from it, and apply its principles or guidelines to become more successful. Famous esoteric teacher G.I. Gurdjieff claimed that what is generally considered the human "waking state" is really a form of "half-sleep." Gurdjieff essentially identified PBTOS, devoted much of his life to helping people to wake up, and created a movement of followers. I own about 30 books by Gurdjieff and his disciples. Consider the possibility that people take drugs to essentially solve their problem of "feeling bad"(a form of PBTOS?) so they can turn on their brains in order to "feel good." Most drug users experience "temporary highs," but end up feeling worse. For most drug users, taking drugs is a "failed solution."The demand for brain-altering drugs is an indication of the potential demand for a solution to Partial Brain Turn-Off Syndrome (PBTOS). Timothy Leary spent much of his life attempting to get people to "turn on their brains." His famous motto: "Turn on, tune in, drop out." In his book Neuropolitics he wrote:
I saw Joe Rogan (of Fear Factor fame) on a late-night talk show and quickly realized that Rogan had turned on his brain to an exceptional degree. In the video to the right, among other things, Rogan talks about "going into his isolation tank with mushrooms." I have spent hundreds of hours in my own isolation (sensory-deprivation) tank. George Carlin was also someone who had turned on his brain to an exceptional degree. Tens of millions of people have watched his videos online. There may be many people in the world who have started turning on their brains and are potential customers for products and services they can use to further turn up their brains. Timothy Leary -- (Neuropolitics):
When you turn on your brain to the degree that Carlin did, you will realize that a great deal of what you were "taught" about religion, politics, economics, and health by your parents, teachers, preachers, politicians, lawyers, bankers, doctors, generals, journalists, etc. has been a massive brainwashing operation. You will become much more capable of recognizing religious, political, military, business, media, education, health, and self-help scams. You will become more capable of distinguishing between scams and worthwhile paths to pursue. Fortunately, the Internet makes this easier because you can Google: "religious scams," "political scams," "self-help scams," etc. (You may even discover that the "Better Business Bureau" is at least a partial scam in that it reportedly shakes down companies to pay for "A" listings. If companies don't pay up, they get a "C" listing.) Reboot Your Brain and Improve Your Whole Life!Earlier in his life, John Reese had been on a path that led him to a stage where he was over $108,000 in debt. He felt depressed and suicidal. Then he stumbled on a "procedure" that enabled him to change direction to a new path that made success possible. He turned his life around,became a well-known and respected millionaire Internet marketer. He has since, over a period of about 15 years, refined the initial procedure into a "comprehensive method" you can literally use to "reboot your brain!" You can use the reboot-your-brain method to pinpoint your most important tasks, to become more productive and effective, to earn more money, and to improve any area of your life. There may be "hundreds of thoughts stuck in your brain." These "stuck thoughts" cause stress and anxiety, and reduce your ability to make good decisions. Generally, you're unaware of many of the "stuck thoughts" -- rebooting your brain brings them to awareness and enables you to "dump" them. The more action you take, doing things, the more results (failures and successes) you produce. All your results are assets because you can learn from them (both failures and successes) . You can achieve an ongoing progression of incremental improvement. The biggest improvements come from getting your mind right at a deep level -- which happens automatically if you persist. Reboot your brain at least once a month! John Milton Fogg's identification of "your old outdated operating system" is most important. Many people try to live their lives with "brain operating systems" that are not only hopelessly out of date, but that are full of destructive crap that condemn them to mediocrity and failure. Typically, the "self-improvement industry" does not provide their "clients" (victims?) with the means to significantly "upgrade their brain operating systems." (This may be because the brain operating systems of most "self-improvement gurus" -- even though somewhat upgraded -- are still full of crap!) So part of the Opportunity Gap is to provide people with "better brain operating systems" and the means to implement them. Regarding the supposed "law of attraction," see Basic Success Technique #41: Get the "Law of Attraction" Working for You! It may be possible to create technologies people by the millions can use easily to turn on their brains and start moving out of the PBTOS trap and other failure traps. I emphasize that I don't recommend drugs as a means to turn on your brain -- "too unpredictable and dangerous!" I do recommend"brain entrainment" and I have some plans in this respect. A big challenge is to persuade people to embark on a "journey of self-development," to enable them to achieve some quick benefits, and to persuade them to follow through. Part of the challenge may also be that part of the human brain may have an "agenda" to keep the brain in a state of PBTOS (or half asleep) -- see #34: Understand Sarno's Mindbody (TMS) Theory . Overcoming the effects of "socialization" or "enculturation" is a major challenge. As can be seen in the "Asch Conformity Experiment," people can be persuaded to "override their own perceptions." I was very surprised to see Jeb Bush on TV talking about how "socialization dumbs down people" -- because political power depends on "dumbed-down citizens." I speculate that it's natural for humans to use primarily their senses to discern reality. However, part of the "socialization process" is to condition people that all kinds of things are true "because I say so," "everybody knows that, "it's written in the Bible," etc. Some psychologists refer to "socialization without reflection." During the "socialization process," practically all humans shift to using primarily "subjective social agreement" (commonly called "social reality") to discern reality in areas such as religion and politics -- as demonstrated in the "Constructing Social Reality" and "Asch Conformity Experiment" videos. Practically all humans to some extent lose their ability to use their senses to discern reality in areas such as religion and politics. They become so dumbed down and gullible that they believe all kinds of absurdities touted by preachers, politicians, journalists, etc. As an example, there's a German fellow with the name Joseph Ratzinger, who lives in part of Rome called "Vatican City." He typically wears a funny hat and funny clothes and carries a shiny stick. His absurd claims include that he's "The Pope," "Representative of God," and enjoys "Papal Infallibility." Anyone who can use his or her eyes to discern reality can see that Ratzinger is an imposter and liar and his funny clothes should be scorned. Yet, the power of conformity and "subjective social agreement" are so strong that anyone who points out the "Ratzinger Reality" is likely to be regarded as "crazy" by most conformining, dumbed-down humans! Part of the challenge is that if you're like most humans, you've been fooled in similar ways by your parents, teachers, preachers, politicians, journalists etc. practically all your life. It may be difficult to admit to yourself that in some ways you've been an idiot for most of your life. In addition to turning on your brain, you may also need to turn on your senses! This may be a huge challenge and I hope you're up to it! By the way, have ever seen a so-called "government?"
A General Success FormulaThe "General Success Formula" (GSF) can be regarded as a variation or extension of The Ultimate Success Formula. GSF1: You ---> Obstacle(s) ---> Action ---> ResultIf you want to produce a Result, you take the appropriate Action that produces the Result you want... and then you get the Result. There could be one or more Obstacles between You and the Action that prevent you from taking the Action. There are basically three kinds of Obstacles:
Some internal factors may be "Make-or-Break Issues" (MBIs) --things you need to handle first. If you want to run, but your leg is broken, then you need to fix your leg before you can run. Trying to improve other things so you can run better will make no difference... until you fix your broken leg. GSF2: You ---> Booster(s) ---> Action ---> ResultIf you want to produce a Result, you take the appropriate Action that produces the Result you want... and then you get the Result. There are always potential Boosters you can apply to make your Action more effective and more likely to produce the Result. There are basically six kinds of Boosters:
| Noreena Hertz: How to use experts -- and when not toJim Edwards: Mining the Gap Get the Flash Player to see this player. Gurdjieff's Mission The Teachings of Gurdjieff - Part 1 Click to Watch Video! The Teachings of Gurdjieff - Part 2 The Teachings of Gurdjieff - Part 3 The Teachings of Gurdjieff - Part 4 The Teachings of Gurdjieff - Part 5 Double Attention Exercise Timothy Leary: Joe Rogan talks about DMT George Carlin: The American Dream George Carlin: George Carlin ~ War and Government George Carlin Doesn't Vote John Reese ~ Reboot Your Brain Click to play video. Will open in a new window. Asch Conformity Experiment
How to Get a Winning Edge
"Develop the winning edge; small differences in your performance can lead to large differences in your results." -- Brian Tracy
"Champions keep playing until they get it right." -- Billie Jean King
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." -- Albert Einstein
In January, 2001 (I think) I first published my article "The Winning Edge." One night in a Las Vegas casino, a stranger walked up to me and said that he'd seen me in several casinos and I always seemed to be winning; could I teach him how to play? Without missing a beat, I replied, "Sorry. I'm just like eveyone else; sometimes I'm lucky and I win; sometimes I'm unlucky and I lose." He could have been a casino shill or detective. In a Las Vegas casino you also never know who's watching or listening. You don't want the casino personnel to think that you're a professional. Generally, they hate people who can beat them.
To consistently take money from Las Vegas casinos, you need knowledge, techniques, and skills that give you a winning edge. In blackjack you can get a winning edge by counting cards, and by some other methods based on the non-random ways they stack and shuffle cards.
Money management is very important. If you overbet -- bet too much in relation to your bankroll -- the odds are high that you'll lose in the long run, even if "technically" you have a winning edge. In February, 2002 I published "Playing the Odds." This reflects the kind of mindset and approach to money management that constitutes part of a winning edge.
Although I no longer get involved with such very-high-risk programs (HYIPs and Surfs), the principles of getting a winning edge, money management, and taking money off the table still apply.
One of the most important skills that can give you a winning edge is your marketing ability -- see Internet Marketing for Beginners & Professionals.
Before deciding to become a doctor, you need to decide whether you're willing to invest the effort and the training time it takes to qualify (move above the "success threshold") as a doctor. You need to make an assessment of the preparation involved. Similarly, to become a successful online moneymaker, you may want to make an assessment of the necessary preparation. Then you need to decide if you're willing to do what it takes to become qualified.
Your winning edge is part of what moves you above your "success threshold." Losers typically don't have a winning edge. They do little or nothing about getting a winning edge. Winners take "massive, determined action" to acquire a winning edge and to increase it.
Getting a winning edge is "your responsibility." Hopefully, you can find some more answers in Ad Click Xpress.
"It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities." -- Josiah Charles Stamp
(Acknowledgment: This section has been adapted from an email by Cristina Munoz.)
Take responsibility for EVERYTHING (you absolutely can and should).
I call this the "Ouch Success Secret"...
Because speaking personally, I [Cristina Munoz] had my head in the sand when it comes to this one for quite some time.
In fact, if you know my personal story, you would know that I injured my back seriously, and I'm embarrassed to admit that for the first year I had a major "self-pity" party.
Anyway Frederick, It was "poor me" everywhere I went.
And I blamed everyone except myself and the fact I was behaving like a victim was not helping me in any way, shape, or form.
It wasn't until I snapped out of it and took a good, long look in the mirror to face up to the part I played in causing what happened to happen, that finally I was able to begin turning things around.
Yes believe it or not Taking Responsibility for EVERYTHING... [you absolutely can and should] is a good thing.
A good rule of thumb is to take responsibility for everything you can control. Hopefully, you don't deceive yourself about what you can and can't control.
Here is another True Story to show you why. A well-known (very successful) Internet-marketing guru was holding a workshop in a hotel in Atlanta. Each of the students had paid about $5,000 to be there and were expecting to have their websites set up before the end of the 3-day workshop.
At the beginning of Day #2 of the workshop the Internet connection in the hotel went down!
What did the Internet-marketing Guru Do?
Well Frederick, obviously the fact that the Internet connection went down was not his fault, but he took responsibility for it anyway.
Because if you take responsibility for something you have the ability to change it.
If you blame others, then you are totally helpless.
The Internet-marketing guru rented a bus and took all 50 students to his office (some 40 miles away) and the class continued.
Although it wasn't the easiest solution in the world, he did it anyway... and everyone in the class got their websites up and running before the class ended.
The point of this story is to drive home the point that if you take responsibility you can change things.
Take responsibility for your life, finances, your health, etc... And now that you know that YOU are the one in control you now know that YOU have the ability to create the kind of success you've always desired!
See also: Responsibility.
Massive, Determined Action
"Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action." -- Benjamin Disraeli
"The path to success is to take massive, determined action." -- Anthony Robbins
In "Upgrade Your Brain," watch the Anthony Robbins video, and listen to the "Four Great Success Audios!"
(Acknowledgment: This section has been adapted from an email by Cristina Munoz.)
Let me start off with something very simple and obvious.
The first key to success is simply to take action.
Sounds simple, I know. If you've been the King or Queen of "I'll Get To It Tomorrow"... then you may want to go straight to Overcome Procrastination.
Think about it...
- Can you win the lottery if you don't play?
- Can you win the race if you don't run?
- Can you get the mate of your dreams if you don't approach them?
- Can you get to the store if you don't drive or walk or ride your bike there?
My point is simply this...
If you think of or see something you want, then you MUST take action to get it!
Not Tomorrow... Today really is best... yes indeed... no better time than right now!
Successful people also take Massive, Determined Action.
Unsuccessful people sit on the sidelines.
Now, what are you going to do?
If you haven't been successful up till now, you either haven't taken action, or you've taken the wrong actions. You may also have taken one or two of the actions in a series of actions necessary for success, but you haven't followed through with all the actions you need to take.
In order to be able to take the actions necessary for success, there may be things about yourself you need to improve or fix. I've identified helplessness as a fundamental reason why many people fail. If this applies to you, then you may have to take massive, determined action to overcome your helplessness, probably starting with your brain chemistry. Iffear of rejection is a major component of your helplessness, then you may have to take massive, determined action to overcome your fear of rejection.
In order to take the correct actions to become more successful, you may have to become more competent. You may have to acquire knowledge and skills you don't now have. It may require massive, determined action on your part to raise your competence to a level where success becomes possible.
If you've been unsuccessful, then the chances are overwhelming that you've been lazy (not taking action), incompetent (taking poor actions), and/or helpless (incapable of taking action). If you deny your laziness, incompetence, and/or helplessness, then you may need to take massive, determined action to get some people around you to give you feedback. (According to Robert Maurer, PHD in One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way: "...[O]ne of the most solid predictors of success in life is whether a person turns to another human for support in times of trouble or fear.")
For some people, poor health may be a basic factor behind their lack of success. Poor health may be related to helplessness. If you're in poor health, you may want to take massive, determined action to improve your health.
You don't have to suddenly shift from no action to massive action. You can get going by applying The Small-Step Progression Principle.
Fear of Rejection
"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy." -- Jerry Seinfeld
"It is not rejection itself that people fear, it is the possible consequences of rejection. Preparing to accept those consequences and viewing rejection as a learning experience that will bring you closer to success, will not only help you to conquer the fear of rejection, but help you to appreciate rejection itself." -- Bo Bennett
Fear of rejection may be a most important "Make-or-Break Issue" (MBI) for you. An MBI is something you need to handle first, if you want to become more successful. If you don't handle it first, all or most attempts to do other things to become more successful may be dommed to failure. - Keys To Success 1 of 7
Underneath the "fear of public speaking" may be the fear of rejection. Being rejected by one person is painful enough. But, if you speak in public, you could be rejected by a large group. That could be superpainful!
From The Guardian, Friday October 10, 2003:
"How scientists proved that the pain of rejection is all too real"
"...[T]o the brain, a social snub is just like stubbing a toe.
Brain scans carried out on volunteers showed that when they suffered a social snub, the brain's "pain centre" went into overdrive. The finding suggests that any emotional stress, such as the demise of a relationship or the loss of a loved one, might be far more closely linked to real pain than previously thought."
In the above video, Eban Pagan re