While a squeeze page itself will not directly sell your product or service, it is an extremely effective method for capturing leads that you can later convert into clients through the use of other marketing techniques. The primary purpose of a squeeze page is to build your company’s direct marketing list online.
The most basic definition of a squeeze page is a landing page for your company website that captures the visitor’s name and email address. A squeeze page can be all that is offered on the page, or a more subtle approach is to have it as part of another one of your company’s web pages.
When you are implementing a squeeze page as a direct marketing campaign, you will need to choose how aggressive you will want to be with the strategy. For example, some companies make it where you cannot actually access the information on their website without entering in the data while others allow the viewer to click past the opt-in option. Yet another option to consider is a pop up ad, where the visitor to your website will have a pop up opt-in function for a free company offer.
No matter which option you choose, you want to make your squeeze page and opt-in function work within your overall marketing direct strategy. Most businesses will use a squeeze page concept to build their direct marketing lists, so as long as your copy is well written and you drive a high number of visitors to your website, you should be in a great position to increase your lead base.
Once you have considered your various strategies, you will need to design and implement your squeeze page. In the initial stages, you will want to test several squeeze pages to determine what the best overall response rate is for your particular business. You can easily set up a variety of URL pages with different squeeze page options to test over time. This data will help you to make adjustments that will be more beneficial for your business in the long term.
When you are ready to launch your squeeze page, you will need to leverage a technology solution to capture the data for follow up. It is essential that the leads that opt-in to receive a free item receive that item quickly and that any and all leads that are captured are regularly followed up with to convert them into clients.
As we go deeper into the specific strategies in the next articles, you will be able to set up an effective squeeze campaign for your business.
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