What is The Neo Network

Posted by Tony H.
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What is the Neo Network?




If you are already in the network marketing industry, you know that the biggest challenge is to not only recruit team members, but also to keep them in and active.  You have the support of your sponsor and usually your corporate partner, but for the most part, you are on your own.  This is one of the main reasons people struggle in the business.  Just like any business, it is hard to recruit good people and even harder to keep them.


The Neo Network is the solution.  It’s one of those ideas that just makes sense and you want to kick yourself for not thinking of it yourself.  And you know those no brainer, common sense ideas are the ones that make it big!  Kris Darty is the founder of the Neo Network and a smart, thriving entrepreneur who was sick and tired of seeing so many people on his teams struggle to earn while others, along with himself, were doing so well.  He set out to fix the problem and recruiting and team building so that profits are maximized and everyone earns.  Sound too good to be true?  It’s true.  I have looked and looked and what I see is a genuine interest in helping people make money, build a business, and be successful. 


So what is the Neo Network?  In a nutshell, it is collective team building.  Instead of recruiting your team on your own and having your downline work as individuals using that same approach, the Neo Network, through Kris’ leadership, recruits one big massive team and everyone joins an opportunity at the same time. 


With this approach, you are making money right at launch because your upline gives you team members.  In the Neo Network, your first focus is on building the network.   All share in building the entire team so everyone makes money.  How it works is that as the team builds, you can recruit your own people and your upline will add people to your team. This is done to create the most profitable team structure.  You get three people, and then everyone works to get each of them three people, then everyone works together to get each of them three people and so on and so forth.  You still sell products, still get commissions, still get bonuses, and still work your business.  But, you get a major head start on a downline, income, and a team to lead and develop.


The Neo Network is the real deal and so is Kris Darty. There is no cost for you to join the network and there is a ton of information, guidance, and networking opportunities.  The Neo Network encourages entrepreneurs to work together within the team site to build a team.


I truly think this is going to change things for a lot of people struggling in the business.  READ THE INFO AND WATCH THE VIDEO NOW - WE ARE TEAMBUILDING NOW (no $ involved).  Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks! - Tony