Tips To Help You Get Past Writer’s Block
Writer’s block is something that happens to many writer’s. Some writer’s experience this “Block” much more than others. It must be dealt with so that your able to get over it and proceed with your writing.
This article will give you a few idea on getting over writer’s block. These are the things that I do to help me get over writer’s block. I hope they will help you as well….
You can be sure that all writer’s have had writer’s block at one time or another. When I get that stalled feeling it effects my entire day. I know that I should be writing but somehow nothing comes to mind. Or I will start something and get a sentence done and then I stop… It really is a terrible feeling. Knowing that I will “get over it” is something that I MUST remind myself.
I have several niche’s that I write about. My niche’s all are able to tie in to each other, at least in my mind they do.
Since I am not a typist I write in a different way than most people. I put pen to paper. I will be the first to admit that I use a lot of paper.
I will have stacks of paper in front of me and pick the niche’ that I want to do an article about. The first thing I do is put a topic on the top of each page I can think of at that time for the niche’ I am wanting to write about.
Many times I am all over the place with topics on that particular niche’. Many times one will have nothing to do with the other.. but they are all related somehow to that niche’.
If I sit down to write out topics at the top of those pages and nothing comes to mind, I will do a bit of keyword research on that niche’s. Many times I am able to find my keywords written in a sentence. I will take that sentence and put it on one of those sheets of paper. I do this for all that I can find.
I tried using 3X5 note cards instead of a whole sheet of paper for each topic, and maybe that would work for you.. but for some reason I much preferred the paper. We all do what works best for us.. Try the 3X5 card you may prefer that. Your able to keep them in a smaller area.
I know to many this may sound like a strange way to get ideas but to those who are not able to type without looking at the keys this will be like a life saver for them.
So now I have pages with topics at the top… I go through and find if any of the pages are similar.. if they are I group them together. I now have an article shaping up.
I never ever and mean ever throw any of those pages away that I have written a topic at the top… EVER! They are able to be used over and over and over again.
With the pages that are similar I will take them one at a time and write ideas on them about the topic on the top. Many times as I write I will have another idea that pops into my head and I will take a new piece of paper and write that idea at the top…. Yes, I know… I told you I use lots of paper.
I find that when I am on a roll with ideas flowing I do not stop until I am drained. Sometimes that is after filling out 1 page.. other times it is after using many.
Maybe I like to do it this way is because I love lists…My lists have lists. I am a list oriented person. I am very envious of people who can just wing it!
It is a good idea to have a list of affiliate products that you are able to offer handy. I keep these on a note pad so I am able to bring them up at any given time. On this list I will have the name of the product along with MY LINK to use. If they have an affiliate page I put that URL in my notes as well. This page usually has great ideas on it as well as pre-made banners and often times you will have extra ideas to help you with that writers block
I belong to several affiliate programs. Whenever I can I always try to insert links to the affiliate products that I am involved with. Having this note pad ready I am able to get the information that I need to input into my post
When I first started writing I wrote a lot of stupid stuff. Stuff that now I wouldn’t be very proud of. But.. I was learning and I kept at it. If those articles are still up and I am able to edit them I will indeed to that. The way I see it.. the Google Spiders have already indexed it… it would be a shame to simply remove it.
After I have written an article and before it is posted I always ask myself is this something that I would like to read? Does it have value? Is this an article that I will be proud of? If your just writing to write and you post silly stuff… who wants to read that?… No one, that’s who!
Many times I will Google my keyword and see what comes up. I will read some of the articles and then rewrite them into my own words. I always try to find a different “angle” with these article that I find from others.
Those pages that we talked about that I told you I never throw away… they can be mixed and matched and used over again. You can lump them with other topics. Use your imagination.
I hope that I have given you some ideas to help with writer’s block. I have an endless supply of topics all ready to be written about. But at times I still find myself without real clear guidance. I have come to the decision that is natural and I don’t beat myself up for those lax moments that I find myself going through. You shouldn’t either.
A few months ago I found a great tool that helps me with not only guidance on many different topics but also makes suggestions for those topics. It really is set up exactly how I have always written. It has become an invaluable tool for me. It is call Jiffy Articles. Take a moment and watch the video on the site.
You will see that it is set up much like I have described about.. Only difference is.. you don’t use all that paper nor do you have to THINK and plan as much.
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