Tips to Increase Male Drive - Six Simple Ways to Boost Sensual Interest

Posted by John Dugan
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For some men, the urge for intimacy tends to wane as they get older, but aging does not have to mean the end to an enjoyable and fulfilling romantic life. While many factors contribute to loss of drive, eliminating some negative lifestyle habits may be all that is needed to improve male drive naturally, without the complications and side effects of prescription medications. As an added bonus, men may experience significant male organ health  benefits that can make relations more enjoyable.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the biggest health hazards, and it is well-known for its negative effects on male organ sensitivity, circulatory function and sensual urges. The chemicals in cigarettes tend to narrow the blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the male organ and limiting reproductive function. Poor circulation may also lead to nerve damage, which can result in diminished male organ sensation. In addition, smoking may deplete energy levels, not to mention limiting lung power. Quitting can reverse the effects of smoking in as little as three months; many men notice an improvement in their overall health almost right away when they kick the habit.

Try Natural Aphrodisiacs

Certain foods are hailed as natural aphrodisiacs and may help to boost sensual urges without the effects of prescription medications. Oysters, for instance, contain high levels of zinc, which is needed for androgen production and can have a positive effect on male drive.


Dark chocolate, which is a known mood-increaser, can also help to get the mood going; the natural plant chemicals in chocolate boost dopamine and endorphin levels, which can increase feelings of self-confidence and reduce stress, thereby increasing receptiveness to the idea of an intimate encounter.


On the other hand, alcoholic beverages, which are well-known for their effects as a social lubricant and can certainly help to create an initial urge, may actually have the opposite of the intended effect. Alcohol actually dulls the body’s response to stimulation, and men who have started out the evening full of plans and intentions may find that when it comes down to showtime, their performance is a flop.


Stress related to work, family, and daily life can cause an increase in cortisol levels. Higher levels of stress hormone can cause androgen levels to decline, resulting in a lower drive. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, listening to music, or any other enjoyable activity can lower stress levels. Adding massage as a part of foreplay may help to increase feelings of desire, as well as creating intriguing sensations. Use of relaxing oils, feathers or body lotions can help to enhance also stimulation.

Get Physical

Exercising regularly has countless health benefits, and its effects on male drive are no exception. Getting up and moving increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, as well as helping to deal with stress. Exercise also produces endorphins, which may create a sensual feeling of well-being and desire.

Create Intimacy without Relations

Activities such as kissing and cuddling can be extremely pleasurable and help couples to feel more connected. This increased bonding can help both partners to feel more relaxed and increase their feelings of desire for one another.


Keep the Male organ Healthy

Having a male organ that looks good is always a great way to boost a man's self-esteem and make him feel more confident in the bedroom. A quality male organ nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is enriched with male organ-specific nutrients can improve the appearance of the male skin while helping it to feel more supple and responsive. Applying a male organ cream once a day after showering can be an effective way to keep the male organ healthy and ready for action.

Visit for more advice on treating common problems such as a sore male organ, dry skin, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.