Plasma and LCD televisions good and down sides
Mostly people want to purchase flat panel television and mostly they go through the internet, but still they get confusion regarding this thing, they know about three types of flat panel as we know LCD, LED, and Plasma. People always want to know about these three types of television, because they get different types of information from the people,now are saying here the people who had used Plasma ,they cannot say about LCD and the people who are using LCD ,they cannot give correct information about Plasma ,in this situation you need to get appropriate information from somewhere ,so we are providing here some information for you.
Plasma television
First we should talk about Plasma television; it is coming in market with 42 to 60inches.If, we go in deep so we can see some good points about the Plasma televisions are following.
High resolution plasma screens have very good picture excellence. It is giving excellent picture quality; one can enjoy without any trouble his favorite game, cartoons or movie Excellent for viewing fast-flowing achievement. Plasma screens have virtually no motion blur, unlike some LCD screens. Plasmas have the best contrast, with richer, deeper blacks and vivid colors. Screens can be viewed from any angle without losing picture quality. Good picture quality in normal to low-light conditions.
Downsides of the Plasma
Screens run hotter than LCDs and generally require an internal fan to keep it cold and to prevent from heat. Make sure this isn't too noisy, it doesn’t give good sound. Use more power than LCDs and can be expensive to dash. Screens can be very reflective in bright glow. Using them in temperatures above 35°C can affect the life of the monitor. Screens can be damaged by lying them flat – they need to be kept them upright at all periods. So you may not be able to take your new plasma television home in the back of the car.
Much has been made of the "burn-in" effect on plasma televisions monitors. This is where an image frozen on the screen such as a paused DVD or game can permanently burn its shape or color into the monitor. But most new plasma models have anti-burn-in technology much like a screensaver which has minimized this result. It still pays to ensure you don't pause anything for too long though.
Now we are going to talk about LCD television. It is very important to know about Differences between the all the types of television, if you want to purchase a good one .Here we are giving some points about LCD TV as following.
LCD required backlights to light up the pixels because that makes the picture. Standard LCD requires a cold cathode, it is also called a lamp, and it is a type of light. This light is also called fluorescent light. If we see LED TV, so this system uses light emitting diodes for backlighting.
Good points: Very good quality of images. Images tend to be brighter and screens less reflective than plasma screens, making them a better choice for watching in bright rooms or in sunshine. Use less power than plasmas. Run no risk of "burn-in" on the screen.
Limited viewing angle – the picture loses brightness and color intensity when viewed from the surfaces. Contrast is not usually as good as with a plasma screen, and blacks aren’t as bottomless. But they're getting well again. More prone to suffer motion blur during fast action or sports scenes than plasma TV. This isn't as big a problem as it used to exist, and on some of the latest sets motion blur can be barely detectable.
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