Conquering Male Function problems - 7 Reasons it Might Not be Male Dysfunction after All
Male function problems are often seen as a problem for older men,
but the truth is that men of any age can experience a less-than-stellar
performance from time to time. While a bedroom flop might seem like a reason
for panic, men who have only occasional bouts of unresponsiveness may want to
look at some other aspects of their lifestyle. Some non-ED causes of
performance problems are detailed below, along with some simple suggestions for
improved male organ health.
8 Non-ED causes of male function problems:
Male function problems are not always related to male dysfunction per se. Other factors related to a man’s
physical and emotional health can lead to temporary issues in the bedroom,
1. Alcohol use – While a drink or two can help to
break the ice and move things toward the bedroom more quickly, overdoing it can
have an unintended and unfortunate effect. Alcohol is a depressant, or downer,
and one of the victims of the “downer” effect is the ability to become firm.
Men who have romantic intentions for the evening should keep their consumption
to no more than 2 drinks in order to avoid an embarrassing end to an evening.
2. Smoking – Smoking wreaks havoc on the body
in numerous ways, including hardening and narrowing the blood vessels,
interfering with neural activity and reducing a man’s stamina. Crushing out the
butts is a proactive step toward overall better health, not to mention improved
reproductive ability.
3. Stress – The pressures of maintaining a
job, caring for a family, studying for exams, or anything else that keeps a man
up at night can cause chemical stress reactions that tend to interfere with
reproductive ability. Reducing stress or finding better ways to cope can help
to improve a man’s ability to react to stimulation.
4. Poor circulation – Reduced circulation to the male
organ, whether due to excess body fat, reduced heart function, or just sitting
at a desk for too long can restrict blood flow and result in at least temporary
reduction in intimate action.
5. Depression – Depression and other emotional or
mood disorders can manifest as loss of reproductive ability; on the flip side,
loss of function can actually lead to depression. In either case, treating the
depression with counseling and/or medication may help.
6. Relationship issues – Whether faced with partner
conflict or just an old relationship in which the coupling just doesn’t feel
new and exciting any more, a man who is not feeling comfortable with his mate
may not feel aroused every time the occasion calls for it. Couples counseling –
or even a change in partners – might provide the answer in this case.
7. Medications – Finally, certain prescription
medications can lead to loss of function; when medications are in the mix,
talking to a doctor about an alternative may help to resolve the issue.
When male dysfunction may be diagnosed
Of course, there is always the potential that there is a more
serious underlying health problem that is responsible for impotence issues, and
in this case, ED may really be at stake. Male dysfunction may be diagnosed when
a man is unable to achieve or maintain a readiness long enough to complete
intercourse more than 25% of the time, or when he fails to experience night
time tumescence. In this case, treating the health problem appropriately is an
important step in restoring normal function.
Keeping the male organ in game-ready condition
It goes without saying that being ready for intimacy means not
only being able to get it up, but also feeling confident; and in order to feel
confident, a man needs to believe that he is appealing. Some overall attention
to grooming can help to take care of this issue – a shower, change of clothes
and a shave can go a long way toward making a man feel attractive.
When it comes time to drop trou, a guy needs to be assured that
his equipment is also ready for action – with smooth skin, no rough spots or
blemishes, and most of all, no unpleasant, mushroomy odors. Adding a male
organ health creme (most
health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) fortified with targeted male nutrients
and all-natural moisturizers is a good way to ensure that the skin is in top
condition. Nutrients like vitamin A, for instance, can help to eliminate
odor-causing bacteria, while amino acids like L-arginine can promote the skin’s
responsiveness to tactile stimulation. On top of these, a natural moisturizer –
like Shea butter, olive oil, or jojoba oil, can keep the skin looking smooth
and supple, giving it a pleasant appearance.
For additional information on most
common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and
what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John
Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an
ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.