The cloud computing market has been an upcoming and a flourishing business for the last few years. There is an increased uptake of cloud computing solutions as these get better. The result of this boom has been an increase in the number of cloud services providers who are providing cloud server hosting. This increased competition, while leading to better service at lower prices for the market, is proving challenging to the providers. Every cloud services provider has to make an effort to market their products if they are to build a revenue stream under such circumstances. The cloud services providers have now been forced to look into the marketing aspect of their companies in order to succeed. There are some tactics that have proved to be quite useful and effective when marketing cloud computing products.

One, cloud services providers are now giving free cloud server trials to prospective customers as a lead into a sales pitch. Marketing a product implies providing the target audience with a value proposition they cannot refuse. The problem with cloud computing products is that they are relatively new. Lack of exposure or understanding of the nature of these products has made the target market reluctant to pay. A free cloud server trial allows the end user to try out the cloud product being offered, in this case cloud hosting. They can test the service delivery, ease of use, response and latency, network capabilities, and customer care aspects of the cloud services provider’s business. The result is that they have a complete overview of the product they are expected to buy. This tactic has been quite effective as it also educates the end user of the reasons they may need to invest in cloud solutions. This has increased the number of new users.

Two, they are providing simple services on public cloud platforms. This tactic creates an engagement platform between the prospective client and the cloud services providers. Cloud services providers are now providing their services on public clouds. What this means is that they provide a low level of simple services to the end user for free. These low end services are provided in an excellent and truly functional manner which causes the client to develop positive trust in the company. When the company invites such a client to try their premium service, the client is likelier to agree. For a cloud services provider engagement means sales, and therefore, it should be the focus of their marketing strategy. 

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