Trip Advice for Tourists Post Their Booking at Any One of the Hotels in Mussoorie

Posted by Neelam D.
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It was at during the early 1800’s when the erstwhile colonial occupants of what was then referred to as unified India, discovered the need for summer retreats to beat the searing heat. They went about identifying spots in a systematic manner and later set out to develop them into beautiful hill-stations. While they retained exclusive access during their rule, things began to change when the country gained its independence.


Most of the tourists that walk in through the doors of the hotels in Mussoorie fail to realize that the town they are visiting has such an illustrious past. The place in-fact was named after a local plant that used to be found in abundance all over town.


Apart from just wanton relaxation, there are lots of things one can do on their stay here. One of the best stops for breakfast here would be the famed quartet of tea stalls that serve some scrumptious meals ranging from parathas to omelettes and pancakes. Popular as a weekend getaway, people usually pre-book at one of the many Mussoorie hotels that have come up over the years.

 Mussoorie Snow

There are a lot of military customs that used to be followed in the town. For example, cannons were fired daily, at a fixed time from one of the highest points in the hills. This allowed people to ascertain the time of the day. This practice was later discontinued once the country gained its independence and the march of technology & time, made cannons as a time-ascertaining tool rather redundant.


While the local quail may have long become extinct, there is still a wide range of winged beauties to be spotted here. One can head out for a bird spotting excursion at the local sanctuary in the vicinity or simply try their luck as they go about town. Trekking happens to be huge with the people that come visiting here. There are multiple groups that organize dedicated excursions into the mountain side, with treks being helmed by trained professionals and informal groups alike.


The famed Lake of Mussoorie too is located here and although its origins are human, the location is so picturesque that multiple movies have been shot here featuring it in the backdrop. Shopping too is a full time activity here, great level of accommodations are also available there with good hotel deals and discount rates.  with local artisans creating bespoke artefacts & curios for tourists to take back home as a memory of their visit.


After all the walking and shopping, tourists often settle down at the quaint eateries that dot the place. Sipping tea and delectable savouries created by the locals, it is a wonderful way to soak in all the beauty and take in the view of the evening skies.


The town and its surrounding areas are best explored on foot. If the distance is greater, then there’s always the option of taking up a perch atop a pony. The ponies here are full of character and each of them has a personality that is worth the effort of getting acquainted with. Tourists are often advised to avoid straining the animals and give them enough rest from time-to-time when on an excursion.