ClearSkinMaxPimples hurt your skin and your pride. They seem to turn up at the most inconvenient times and all you want to do when you feel like they are screaming "look at me" is shut them up - fast!

Natural remedies are a quick and easy way to calm redness, soothe pimple pain and clear up bacteria at the same time. By using the right remedies for pimples, you can even prevent acne scars and reduce the future likelihood of breakouts.

Natural remedies for pimples usually include antibacterial ingredients like honey, tea tree oil and other essential oils. Herbs and spices like turmeric also offer potent antibacterial properties.

Pimple cleanser remedies

You can make a simple pimple cleanser from yogurt, coconut oil, lemon juice and honey (all naturally antibacterial) as ingredients. With the addition of a few drops of essential oils like tea tree or neem you can combat bacteria, or use lavender oil which is slightly less antibacterial but very soothing and calming for inflamed skin.

You can also make a camomile based steam cleanser with the addition of a few drops of tea tree and lavender oils. This can also be used as a toner or rinse remedy for acneic skin.

Spot remedies for pimples

You may have heard of the old toothpaste and baking soda spot treatment remedy. Well there are many more that work in several ways to dry out, soothe and treat acne. Making a paste with baking soda, a pinch or turmeric mixed with honey and a couple of drops of essential oils applied directly to pimple spots is a little known but very effective recipe for clearing up pimples.

You can also use strong camomile tea (a camomile tea bag just covered with boiling water and allowed to cool) as a soothing base mixed with honey, baking soda, turmeric and a few drops of essential oil for a calming spot treatment.

Pimple moisturizing serum remedy

A fantastic treatment serum for pimples that can also be made into a moisturizer with the addition of aloe vera juice and 10% beeswax can be made as follows:

2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil

1 tablespoon almond oil (or use 100% coconut oil)

2 drops tea tree oil

2 drops lavender oil

Optional: rosehip, calophyllum, calendula and/or carrot seed oil can be added to prevent scars or reduce existing scarring.

Mix together as blend and apply once or twice daily as an antibacterial healing serum. There are of course many more recipes you can make depending on your skin type (oily, dry, blotchy etc). You can make many serums to treat, heal and protect your skin and defend against pimple breakouts.

Salycylic acid pimple remedies Fruits like strawberries or willow bark are naturally high in salicylic acid, a common ingredient used in acne products. You can make masks with strawberries and/or willow bark combined with honey and other antibacterial pimple fighting ingredients that also offer added benefits for your skin.

Natural pimple remedies are just as effective as chemical based synthetically produced treatments, especially when you know what combination of ingredients to use.

Try making your own power packed pimple remedies at home using these recipes or adaptions of these using tools like the Natural Face Serum Wizard to help you create the perfect pimple remedy for your skin.

Clear Skin Max is a powerful, 4 step treatment for acne that helps you quickly banish those unsightly spots and pimples. Begin your treatment of acne today with Clear Skin Max.


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