People go to great lengths to express themselves as individuals and stand out from the crowd. A more reserved person may choose to dye their hair a unique color or get a tattoo, while a more adventurous soul may engage in body modifications such as piercings, plugs, or implants. Many forms of body modification revolve around enhancing sensual pleasure or attractiveness for the opposite gender; e.g., a breast enhancement or male organ piercing. While certain body modifications are out in the open for everybody to see, plenty of modifications are happening out of public view.  Manhood pearling is one such modification that takes place below the belt. Any man who is considering pearling needs to have a lot of guts, and a penchant for a healthy male organ – as this is one modification that is sure to get a second look by his partners!

What is pearling?

Pearling or male organ beading is a type of body modification in which small pearls or beads are inserted under the skin of the male organ.  Don’t worry -- ladies don’t have to miss out on all the fun – pearling can also be done on the feminine anatomy.  Also known as speed bumps, manhood pearling creates bumps under the skin that are meant to enhance sensual pleasure, as well as creating aesthetic interest. Both the wearer and his partner can enjoy the happy benefit of increased stimulation and sensation; a man can have the pearls implanted on his shaft, under his sheath, or in the sac. 

Beads of different sizes and shapes can be used to create different visual patterns, as well as unique sensations.  Beads of unusual shapes or larger sizes can be implanted through a small incision, while smaller, more uniformed beads are inserted via a standard large gauged needle – similar to the way that other piercings are administered.

What are the risks?

Male organ beading is generally safe, when implanted by a professional who is using the proper tools.  Of course, all tools, and the implants themselves, must be sterilized to prevent infection.  Common side effects of the implants are inflammation, tenderness, redness, and infection; luckily, the time for healing is speedy for most people, provided there is sufficient blood flow to the area.  Rarely, the body rejects the pearls altogether; this typically happens when inexperienced individuals place the pearl improperly.  When beads are rejected, a bruise and blister forms above the bead, and eventually, the implant pushes itself out of the skin in the same manner as a splinter ejecting itself from one’s thumb.  Male organ pearls are considered a permanent implant, as they do have to be surgically removed.

One risk that many men do not consider, though it is an important one, is the fact that their current partner – or future partner – may not like the sensation of having relations with a studded male organ. If one’s partner does not enjoy a studded toy or ribbed latex barriers, there is a good change they will not enjoy a permanently pearled male organ.

Manhood pearling aftercare

If a professional, in sterile conditions, properly inserts a male organ pearl, it is likely to heal just as well as any other male organ piercing.  It is, however, vitally important to engage in proper male organ hygiene throughout the healing process in order to avoid infection or rejection and to speed healing.  Daily washing of the male organ with a gentle cleanser, taking special care around sutures if they are present, is the only necessary treatment for an uncomplicated male organ implant procedure.  Adding a male organ vitamin cream, particularly one containing vitamin A for its antibacterial properties (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil), can help further protect the male organ from infection once the initial sutures are healed.  A male organ vitamin cream should be used daily after the site of implantation is fully healed, as it will help keep the skin of the male organ smooth and supple, adding to the appeal of the manhood and enhancing the appearance of the pearling.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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