What is google for city transport

Posted by Alexander W.
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Liftago is a brand of a new technology service created with a vision to provide a hassle-free transportation solution for people around the world and pave the way for the mobility of the future. This is why we love our work so much! Liftago Taxi is our first commercial product, a mobile application service directly connecting passengers (using Liftago Taxi app) and taxi drivers (using Liftago Driver app) to offer more timely, reliable and convenient taxi service. This enables passengers reduce waiting, costs or bad surprises. It also helps taxi drivers provide better taxi service and make the most out of their business.

Our vision is to provide a hassle-free transport solution for people around the world and pave the way for the mobility of the future! As our first product we wanted to pick a transportation business that would meet several criteria. First, it had to be a business with low level of service provided with current technology. Second, it had to be a business that in its nature offers benefits to the city transport of today. Third, it had to be a business with a profit potential to fund our further products and ventures. Taxi business met all these criteria.

There are already several mobile taxi applications available today. However, they lack sufficient user base from both - driver and passenger side. The expansion of such services has to be heavily funded in order to scale the business. With Liftago community business, we have the idea, technology and know-how and we share half of our taxi ride revenue with a community of marketers who are financially motivated to spread the use of our Liftago service around the world. Liftago Marketers make sure many passengers and drivers in their communities use our free Liftago apps and in return, they get their share every time passengers in their communities take Liftago rides. This motivation together with crowd intelligence of our marketers is the recipe to spread Liftago efficiently around the world.

Liftago TaxiLook a video how work Liftago mobile app: http://youtu.be/q3CyfMHK6_Q

Liftago App like google for transport 

Join a promising business: http://www.joinsomethingnew.com/hz1z

Sign up as passenger or as driver for notification of application startup: http://www.liftago.com/richmaster