Your Inner World Determines Your Outer World

Posted by Keith Claridge
337 Pageviews

Your life, your success, your happiness, your fulfillment in life is all determined by your inner world.

What do I mean by this?

Let me explain it this way. How you think and feel about what is going on around you, determines your life. How you act or react to certain situations determines your success, happiness and your fulfillment.

How you manage your inner world determines your outer world, that is everything you can see, hear, touch, smell and feel.

What is your inner world?

Your inner world is your thoughts and feelings. What you think and feel determines your outer world.

To be successful in the outer world, you have to be successful in your inner world first. You have to think and feel successful.

If you want to be successful, you have to learn how successful people think and what they think and then copy them.

If you want to be rich, you've got to learn how rich people think and what they think and then copy them.

If you want to be happy, you've got to learn how happy people think and what they think and then copy them.

If you want to be positive, you've got to learn how positive people think and what they think and then copy them.

Do you get the drift?

Simple isn't it! Most things in life are simple (note I didn't say easy), it's just that we complicate things.

The first thing you need to do is to decide what you want.

Then secondly find someone who is what you want to be, either in person, in a book or on the internet. Then find out how and what they think. What attitudes do they have? What do they think or feel about certain things? How do they speak? What words do they use?

Then model them. If you do what they do, think how they think, speak how they speak, then you should get similar results to what they get.

Man, I'm preaching it today!

Start to be more aware of your thoughts and feelings, start to direct them and decide what which you accept and which you don't. As you inner world begins to change so will your outer world.

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Your Inner World Determines Your Outer World


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