Runescape 2007 old school RS money making guide
As we all know 07 oldschool has come back for a few month, 07 version of RS is most interesting and challenging among these years. Therefore do you want to enjoy more in RS 07 old school? This is a rs money making guide for 07 old school RS.
Making money is really important for any RS players. You can’t get anywhere or have any fun without a decent supply of gold. Especially for newbie to Runescape, learning how to easily make money is especially of great importance. Here, I provide some ways that makes you earn extensively large amount of GP. If you are newbie, please focus on the first few steps. And if you are experienced players, you can just skip the first few steps, or you are a seasoned veteran, you can just skip to the last few steps. Each of you will be surprised at these tips.
Firemaking is used to light something, such as logs and light sources. It is closely related to Woodcutting that can cut logs for burning. Firemaking is the most effective way to train Cooking in F2P due to that the ranges requiring walking to and back from bank. The fires you light can be used for Cooking skill and several quests. As long as you are high levels, your runescape account would be not cheap.
Now that you own some cash, you should retrieve some flak. You can buy it or get it by yourself. Turn it into a bow string. You can buy bow strings anywhere from 100-200 GP each and 50 GP will probably be added to your bank account for every sale you make. In addition, you can repeat this process again and again. However, it may be best if you move on after a moment.
For beginners, as we know, many a little makes a mickle, you need to start off small. You should make your 30 GP firstly. Go to Karamja and ask Lutuhs for a quick job.
Luthus will give you a job that can help you get bananas and put them into crates. You can make 30 GP for each crate you fill. Make sure that you come back to Luthus to get your rewards. What’s more, you can earn as much as you can, only if can you fill up as many crates as you can. I suggest that you fill up 10-100 crates. As you have 300-3000GP, there are easier methods for you to make rs money.
If you have some way to buy cheap runescape gold for you, you can buy one or two weapons. Find Lesser Demons and kill them by pretty much any rune weapon. As Demons have a low defense level, it just take a few minutes to finish them off, even though you should make sure you have enough food. Normally, Lesser demons drop great items, such as mith chains. You can sell them for a decent profit or just keep for yourself.
When you prepare to make a great deal of cash, you need pick up easy runes. You should be armed to get into the wilderness. No much fight is needed, but things tend to die here. Then get into the East Runes. It must be the East Ruins! Notice a color difference at your map! Walk around the border of the color difference, and try your best to avoid any random giants which are coming. When you see red dots on your map as you walk, there are chaos runes which are literally everywhere. You can find one and pick it up if you are too lazy, and wait fifteen seconds for it to regenerate. Or you can keep walking around the color border and pick up some quick cash from there.
Of course, these are some easy ways to make Runescape money, it is easily to find many rs money making guide on Google.