Sore Male Organ Woes - How Much Self-pleasure is Too Much?

Posted by John Dugan
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Can too much self-pleasure hurt one’s intimate life?

Most men have heard the myth that too much self-pleasure causes hairy palms, or even blindness – which would certainly be worrisome if that were true.  Luckily, that statement holds about as much water as the idea that a woman can’t get pregnant while standing up, which is a myth that is in fact false. Just for the record, a woman can become pregnant in any position.  Still, the idea of too much self-pleasure does leave many men wondering if they are doing physical harm to themselves or their relationship.  This idea will be explored in detail below, along with a few male organ care tips to deal with a sore male organ and keep the manhood in its prime – regardless of how frequently it is called into action.

Male organ side effects

While no major physical repercussions will likely happen from too much self-pleasure, it is possible to cause a minor injury during self-love.  An excessively physical or rough hand job can damage the skin to the area, particularly if there is a lack of lubrication during self-play.  Too much force can cause bruising, chafing, redness, sore male organ skin, and even tissue damage in some cases.  And, ready for the most cringe-worthy part? A male organ can be “broken.” Though technically not a break, as there is no bone in the male organ tissue, a firm male organ can be damaged by a blunt force in such a way that the inner tissues rupture. This injury can be extremely painful in itself, and once healed, the scar tissue remains may cause a shortening of the shaft on that side, which can ultimately lead to a curvature of the male organ. 

Known as Peyronie’s disease, it is not caused by too much self-pleasure but rather by unnecessary roughness.  Typical male organ injuries of this kind are caused by an unfortunate slip during intimacy, which causes the male organ to hit the female pelvic bone at just the wrong angle. However, it is possible that a man could cause the injury to himself, particularly if he is being, shall we say, creative, with his method of self-pleasure.  So the moral of the story?  Too much self-pleasure may lead to chafing and soreness, which is easily alleviated with a day of rest, but no matter how often one handles the equipment, it must always be handled with care.

Relationship Side Effects

In most mature, adult relationships, self-pleasure is not going to cause a problem.  It is perfectly healthy for men and women alike to enjoy some alone time.  However, in cases where a man is engaging in what his partner considers to be too much self-pleasure, she may feel rejected, unattractive or even come to believe that she is not good enough in bed for her partner. 

If a man is repeatedly choosing self-pleasure instead of intimate relations with a willing partner, it may be time for him to face some hard questions.  For example, he may ask himself some of the following: Is self-pleasure interfering with normal life? Is there some fear of intimacy with a partner (i.e. from previous trauma, insecurity, performance anxiety, fear of dysfunction etc.)? Is there material being used that is offensive to the partner such as adult films? Are there issues of shame associated with intimate behavior?  If any of these questions are hitting home, it may be time to speak with a therapist about these problems.

Caring for the male organ

Regardless of how much self-love a man engages in, it is important to keep the male organ healthy enough for any and all intimate activity.  Certain vitamins and minerals are particularly useful in keeping the male organ vital and youthful, and can even heal damaged skin and blood vessels. 

  • Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that helps keep the skin supple and smooth in all conditions. 
  • Acetyl L Carnitine is neuroprotective and can help heal and protect the male organ from intimate injuries – no matter how they occur.
  • L-Arginine keeps the blood vessels in the male organ healthy allowing for maximum blood flow.

Using a male organ vitamin formula combining all these ingredients (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can ensure the male organ stays healthy for all types of intimate activity.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.