Male organ discharge of a fluid other than urine or male seed from the urethral opening is not normal, and it is usually the sign of an infection. While most infections can be treated through standard medical care, early intervention is important in preventing complications or the risk of passing on the infection. In addition, attention to male organ care and proper hygiene, as well as the practice of safe relations, are all important in reducing the chances of contracting a communicable disease.

Symptoms of male organ discharge

Any type of fluid expelled from the urethral opening that is not male seed or urine is not normal and is referred to as discharge. This fluid can range in appearance and consistency from a clear, watery fluid to a yellowish or whitish, thick and/or chunky substance. In some cases, the discharge may appear greenish in color, and an unpleasant odor may be present.

It is important to note that the fluid that is released during tumescence or that leaks from the urethral opening following release is not abnormal; it is simply the body’s natural solution for lubrication and should not be a cause for concern.

Discharge related to infection may be accompanied by other symptoms such as pain or burning on urination, frequency of urination, fever, sore throat, swollen glands, headache, rash in the pelvic area and itching.

What causes abnormal discharge from the male organ?

Any type of discharge (from the male organ or otherwise) is typically a sign of infection. In the case of the male organ, this problem is usually related to a communicable infection. Some non-intimacy transmitted conditions, including thrush (yeast infection) and balanitis may also cause similar symptoms.

Men who experience any of these symptoms are urged to seek medical care. Ignoring the problem can lead to complications, and any intimate contact while symptoms are present can result in passing the infection to a partner. Men who are carrying a communicable infection can pass it on to a partner without the presence of symptoms, so all individuals who are active should be tested regularly.

Treatment for male organ infection

Treatment for an infection depends on the exact cause of the condition, which can generally be determined by a swab test of the fluid. Yeast infection is typically treated with over-the-counter or prescription creams; communicable diseases generally require a round of antibiotics. Men who are infected should abstain from intimate contact during the course of the treatment, and partners should be treated as well; otherwise, the risk of reinfection is high.

Preventing infection and boosting male organ health

Not all male organ infections can be prevented, and chances are that most men will run into occasional problems. However, with the right treatment, men can reduce the risk of contracting a communicable disease that can cause unpleasant and difficult-to-treat symptoms.

The first line of defense, of course, comes down to using barrier protection, especially for random intimate encounters. Men who are in a committed relationship should make it a priority to talk honestly and openly with their partners about any past issues and decide on the best approach to disease prevention and birth control.

In addition, boosting the natural defenses of the male organ is essential in warding off diseases ranging from mild skin infections to more serious issues. Clean, well-hydrated skin is much more resilient and better able to resist infection. After a daily shower, applying a high-quality male organ health formula  (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that has moisturizing and nourishing properties can help maintain this important line of defense against infectious disease.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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