How to obtain inbound links and increase traffic to your blog

Posted by Venessa Liu
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When you access to social media, you will understand there is no panacea to success. No immediate miracle exists in the world. If it does, it will only be short-lived. Like many things in life, success needs persistence, patience and perseverance. This article will give some methods to obtain inbound links and blog traffic.


Understand the basic law of SEO


If you're blogging, in fact, you're in for optimizing your websites for search engine indexed. No matter what type of your site is, it is of great significance to be aware of the principle of SEO as this will help increase website traffic. To do this, make sure the name of your blog, article title, url contains the format and content of the blog theme-related keywords or phrases. These are only the tip of the iceberg, for more details, you should read some articles about network marketing.


Request to exchange links


There is nothing bad to take the initiative to request link exchanges. Though this will not as successful as you expect, you will not suffer any loss even it fails. Most people will reply you politely. You can attempt to send a relatively wonderful email to request link exchange. Before you send email, you should check whether his blog has external links to other’s blog. If no, maybe he will not link to your blog and it is less likely he will accept your request.


High quality content is critical


This is too odd, but its importance is obvious. The content is your external reflection of thoughts that you want to convey to other people. Quality is above all the thing. It is worthy of your efforts to create newsworthy, profound connotation and useful articles, which makes you blog have value of collection and provides a good reason for others a return visit to your blog. If you really write a useful article and give some valuable information, original and interesting content, there will certainly numerous visitors to visit your blog. On the contrary, if the content is boring, repeated and shoddy, it is doomed to fail.


To separation professional content and personal life


It is of great importance to keep a good balance between the personal content and professional content. It is not bad the some articles are away from the theme of your blog occasionally. If you are keen to record a personal life, it is suggested you create another blog to frequently update your life experience. Sometimes, you can share some pictures of your families or travel experiences, it will make your blog attractive though the theme of your blog focus on technology content as it shows the other side of your life. Besides, it is necessary to encourage readers use Twitter or FriendFeed to follow the updates of your blog. And make sure you should response, like following their blogs or visit their blogs.


Encourage feedback and comments


If you want steady increase of traffic of your blog, you should interact with your readers, which means you should encourage them to leave feedback or comments on your articles. And you should give reply when they post some questions. You should make it is easy to leave comments. Some third plugs are useful to complete fast comments such as Disqus and Wordpress.


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