To build a successful SFI business, just take the actions listed below. Each action you do earns you the VersaPoints shown in the left column. The more points you earn, the higher your SFI commissions can go! You can see here  benefits and Compensation Plan for more details. Earning points also advances your Power Rankings!

Important Notes:
1. For points displaying an asterisk (*), you must click the green "V" located in the top right corner of the page to be awarded the points.
2. To reduce clutter, one-time actions are removed upon completion, but are recorded on your personal VersaPoints Ledger.
3. Do NOT gather points for articles and training without actually reading them. Doing so will only cheat yourself of vital information you need to succeed!
4. Points listed in red refer to actions that are carefully monitored for fraud. Violations will result in forfeiture of commissions / affiliateship termination.
5. Points for actions listed in the Team Leadership & Support section are credited upon achieving the rank of EA2 (and the rank of EA2 must be maintained to continue to receive these points).
6. A min. 1,500 VP/max. 2,000 VP from sales/purchases each month can be used towards Team Leader qualification.

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