How Are You Using Your List?
How is the list building business doing? Remember,
most marketers stress the fact that you should build a list
of your own. This article, however, is not about how to build a list but what to do with those on your list, no matter the size.
So, the question is, “How are you using your list?” If you’re using it,
one of the indicators or even the MAIN indicator
of whether you're using your list correctly or not
is the number of ’unsubscribes.’
Believe it or not, if you're doing it right you'll
be LOSING subscribers every single day that you email them.
Experienced Marketers know that when you mail out
ANYTHING to your list - and I mean ANTHING...
you lose subscribers. You may mail out with some
great Content – and yet lose subscribers. Why is that so?
It may happen that that is a message some of them didn't
want to hear, or perhaps you’ve touched some
nerves of someone or offended them or perhaps it
was just a day when they happened to be in a bad
mood and they hit the unsubscribe button.
On the other hand, you may mail out a promo offer and lose
subscribers. Maybe they think you’re just out for a quick
profit, or maybe they just don’t like your last
recommendation or they get upset because you
didn't include any content and it's a sales email.
So in fact when you mail your list for ANY reason
you’re sure to get unsubscribers.
And it's a GOOD SIGN, believe it or not!
It means you’re really working your list - doing
the thing you built it for - to mail your subscribers.
It's not there for vanity or as a show-piece to show off
to other marketers.
It's a tool - an essential part of any internet
marketer's arsenal with ONE purpose:
It's not there only to make friends with your
subscribers. It's not so you can sit and gloat over the numbers; Nope...
Your list is there to MAKE YOU MONEY
And if you're not getting unsubscribers it means
you're not mailing...
...and if you're not mailing your list you're not
doing any good to them.
Never behave like some new marketers who often
track unsubscribers and take them on personally.
It's impossible to be liked by everyone.
The worst thing you can do with your list is NOT
to use it for fear of unsubscribes...
But the only thing you have to make sure about is that
you have more people subscribing
than you do unsubscribing.
If you've got a list, mail out at least once or
twice a week.
What you put in the emails is up to you - that's
the whole essence of being a marketer.
But make sure you use it.
And love your unsubscribes because they're the
guys telling you that you're doing something
RIGHT, not wrong.
Have a great Day!
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