Complete Checklist For Preventative Maintenance Of Switchgear

Posted by Demi F.
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A switchgear is basically a combination of different disconnect switches along with breaker, which are used in order to isolate equipments that are in substations. Sometimes it is given large operations and work as the source of electrical power to thousands of different building at once. As this equipment is highly powered, it needs to be properly and timely maintenance. There are some comprehensive measures that you can ensure for proper maintenance of switchgear and to ensure it operates properly for a long time. Keep reading to know about how to create a checklist for its preventive maintenance.

Periodical Review

Maintenance tip for on site is to periodically review all the equipment of it in general. With this you can come to know about different issues that can result in failure and thus, you can repair any refurbishment needs. This is also important in order to determine whether drawings are proper or they need to be updated.

Proper Visual Inspection

This type of inspection includes going through a proper visual evaluation of partial discharge testing, thermal scanning and some other performance test, which are need to establish right maintenance procedures.

Determining Maintenance Type

The preventative maintenance of switchgear also allows you to understand what type of preventative maintenance is required to be performed in order to keep all the electrical equipment in working conditions. Also, ensure that you take protective measure before your conduct visual maintenance.

Get Prepared For Maintenance

Maintenance of this equipment basically requires performing a necessary outage for the purpose of maintenance. This generally includes following tagout/lockout procedures. Also, maintenance personal should ensure that proper barricades are installed for securing all the staff during the maintenance process. This is also important because all people who are involved in any such maintenance task should be completely aware of all the dangers and special circumstances involved with it.

Actual Maintenance Procedure

Maintenance checklist reflects different maintenance procedures which will actually be performed. It includes repairing of drawing inconsistencies and other connection issues, performing and cleaning other planner repairs, designated upgrades and changes. Different test and measurements performed are also reflected with such checklist. Once all the maintenance procedures are performed, back up the gear to verify whether it is working normally or not.

Final Report

The maintenance checklist should also reveal what all results were yielded from such maintenance. This also includes all repairs work, refurbishment and all the tests that were performed and implemented during this procedure.