For teenage boys and younger men, male drive is a bit like a groupie, always hanging around in the background, ready to be noticed. But when work, children, laundry, gardening, pets and other responsibilities begin to weigh on the mind, that underlying urge can begin to fade. When this happens, many men are tempted to resort to medical intervention in order to stoke the fires. However, while medications might be helpful for some men, and there are some causes of a poor drive that are best addressed with the help of a doctor, there are a few natural male organ care techniques that could help men to find what was once lost without the risk of unpleasant side effects..

Getting Sweaty

During a workout, a man might feel far from attractive, but deep down inside, the brain is releasing chemicals that could be vital to male drive. Male hormones, endorphins and even dopamine levels are all increased after a bout of vigorous exercise, leading to feelings of well-being, confidence and desire. These sensations could easily be put to good use in the bedroom.

Dropping the Blubber

A few extra pounds are easy to cover up with untucked shirts and loose belts, but that extra weight can make a man feel uncomfortable or just unattractive, and passion levels can drop when people feel as though they have no chance of attracting a partner to play with. Additionally, extra weight can put pressure on the heart, as it has more tissue to supply with each and every beat. A damaged heart like this might be incapable of pushing blood to the male organ to develop tumescence.

Losing weight isn't easy, but chopping out a few desserts a week or swapping out the chips for a handful of grapes could help to shave empty calories from a daily diet, allowing pounds to drop away bit by bit. Self-confidence and improved performance could be the result, not to mention overall better health.

Dealing with Stress

Some men find that intimacy is the ultimate stress buster, but niggling concerns that linger in the back of a man's mind can be distracting enough to keep a man from feeling an interest in relations. Taking time out to relax, de-stress and focus on what matters most is an important aspect of staying healthy.

Stress-reduction techniques can vary, but good options include:

  • Meditation
  • Massage
  • Journaling
  • Sports

Focusing on the Environment

The average bedroom is full of objects that can kill the mood easily. Pictures of parents, piles of bills, mounds of unwashed clothing and stashes of children's toys serve as reminders of all the things a man could be doing, instead of enjoying his partner and his body. A quick cleanup of the area could be all that's needed to remove these distractions and allow natural impulses to take over. Adding in a few candles, placing new sheets on the bed and otherwise setting the mood for intimacy could also subtly remind the brain that it's time to get the body prepared for the fun that's to come, and a subsequent spike in interest could result.

Caring for the Male Organ

Some male drive issues begin in the mind, but some others begin within the cells of the male organ itself. An organ that's chapped and sore just doesn't seem prepared for the strenuous actions that take place during intimacy, and a male organ starved for vitamins and nutrients may not be able to perform as it should, even when the mind is ready. A male organ health creme can help. A quality product (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains products that are specifically designed to boost performance. L-arginine, for example, can help to dilate the blood vessels in the male organ, leading to increased blood flow. Adding a male organ health creme that contains ingredients like this could bring a man big results in the bedroom. 

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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