Acne is considered the scourge of adolescence, but even older men may experience the occasional outbreak here and there on their bodies. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for men to see telltale dots spring up even on the skin of the male organ, leading to a temptation to take action with pins, tweezers, sharp fingernails and even scissors, hoping to snip open the skin and drain the blockage.

While it's true that a popped pimple tends to be less painful than a cyst that’s full to bursting, breaking open a male organ pimple could bring about some nasty side effects. Professional advice from a dermatologist, as well as proper male organ treatment, could help men to alleviate the problem without doing yet more damage in the process.

Determining the Cause

A standard pimple is easy to identify. Most are small and red, and beneath the skin, a tiny core of white material shines through. These little acne cysts commonly form in hair follicles, so most men with male organ pimples develop them along the pelvic hairline. A few unlucky souls have developed male organ acne along the shaft, however, and these lesions can be incredibly sore and painful if they fill with pus.

A small dot on the male organ can't automatically be attributed to acne, however, as some other medical conditions also cause sores to form along the male organ. Pearly manhood papules, for example, are harmless little specks of white tissue that form in a ring on the tip of the male organ. To the untrained eye, these lesions can look a little like acne. Similarly, some partner-transmitted diseases may cause acne-like lesions to form on the male organ.

A doctor can use a visual exam and perhaps a quick laboratory test to determine what's causing the lesion and what should be done about it. Any man with a painful speck should consider a doctor's appointment as a vital part of the healing process.

Hacking, Cutting and Popping – Acne Removal Measures to Avoid

Once a doctor has determined that acne, not some other more serious condition, is at fault for the blemishes, it can be tempting to “solve” the problem by eliminating the visible evidence. However, lancing or popping an acne spot to get rid of the material inside can allow bacteria to move from the encapsulated skin beneath the pimple into the bloodstream, resulting in further inflammation, swelling and discomfort. In addition, popping or cutting the lesions can lead to scars, resulting in more permanent disfigurement of the manhood skin.

Good Alternatives for Acne Treatment

If acne is the cause of the male organ bump, a warm compress can bring the infected material to the surface, where the body can process the detritus and whisk it away.

Men with painful male organ pimples may want to avoid intimate activity, as the affected skin may be further irritated. Furthermore, the friction involved in intimacy can cause the lesions to burst, causing considerable pain and increasing the chances of ongoing infection. It's best to focus on healing and leave the extracurricular activities aside until the body is functioning as it should.

Treating the area with vitamins A and C, found in quality male organ health crèmes, may help to shrink the lesions, heal the affected skin and prevent further breakouts from occurring. Once the skin has healed, these crèmes can help the skin to stay soft, smooth and flexible.  Applying a male organ vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is remarkably easy, too, as the product absorbs quickly and leaves no oily residue behind. It could be an excellent acne-prevention tool for men who want to ensure that the male organ looks great and functions beautifully, each and every time. 

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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