How To Avoid Dog Bites

In the Province of Quebec alone over 10,000 people get bitten by dogs every year and two third of those bites are on children under the age of ten years of age
They tend to protect the things that they like the most. Like first of all their puppies, then their food and often their favorite toys, or even their masters. They also tend to very strongly protect their territories.
That is excepts Huskies who are a breed that stemmed from Siberia where the territories are vast and their masters used to be nomads. To tell you the truth; Huskies are totally different from other dogs. All the rules are changed with Huskies. I strongly advise if you want to have a Husky as a family pet to learn all about the different characters of Huskies. First of all Huskies are the most beautiful of all dogs. They are predators like wolves, They are highly intelligent animals and they don't need us humans to survive. So they are much more independant than other dogs. They are packed animals who takes orders from one master only. If the Husky figures out that his master is not worthy of his respect; It will stop obeying that master. So you must study their caractors and the usual rules among pack animals. "its very important"
It would be very advantageous for any dog owner and parent to teach their young children how to behave around a dog and to teach them the things they should never do to a dog.
Before caressing an unknown dog always ask the permission of its owner if its OK! Make sure the owner is supervising while you are petting his dog. If the dog is really alone without his master, it might be a stray dog and its much better to leave that dog alone and avoid touching it.
Before you pet a dog Make sure the dog has seen you and that he acknowledged your presence. You don't want to surprise the dog. Even your family dog. Never ever pet a sleeping dog.
A child should learn never to stare directly into the dog eyes. The dog natural instinct is to consider this as a direct threat. Children should be taught to avoid screaming loudly around any dog. Their hearing are much sharper than ours, and they might become very agitated. Children should also learn not to be constantly chasing the dog, pull on his tail and ears, and never ever grab a dog in a bear hug.
When being approached by an aggressive dog. We must never turn around and run. This will make the dog consider you as a prey.
Here are three steps to avoid being attacked and bitten severely, and steps to also teach to your children when being threatened by a dog.
1. Never pet a dog while he is eating.
2. Never pet a strange dog while it is tied to a chain.
3. Never pet a strange dog waiting in a car with the car window half opened.
Teach your children what to do if they are being attacked by a dog
Never run, stand straight like a statue, hands inside your pockets, (Your fingers and hands must be well protected.) Never stare into the dog eyes. Look away from the dog like you are looking at something more interesting somewhere else. Let the dog sniff you without moving. Usually after a short while the dog will loose interest and leave.
If the dog throws you down, roll yourself into a ball, face toward the ground and hand over your ears, do not move. Stay calm until the dog decide to leave, or someone comes to your rescue.
What all parents must understand.
You shouldn't leave your children alone at home with your dog. The family dog is not a baby sitter! An adult should be the caretaker of the children and the dog.
What any dog owner must understand.
Any dog owner has the responsibility of educating his dog properly, so that it is not aggressive around people and even less around children. He must be responsible for his dog actions at all times.