Men are often less than proactive when it comes to going to the doctor when they are under the weather, often preferring to tough it out at home.  Even still, nothing will send a man running to his doc faster than an unusual bump, discharge, or pain coming from below the belt.  And with good reason; when things go wrong with a man’s equipment, it can affect his physical health as well as his love life.  While a male organ rash, bump or lump may be completely benign, it can also indicate a more serious condition such as a communicable infection.  Four of the most common communicable infections are described here, along with their most common symptoms.  It is important to be aware of these, so that medical attention can be sought if necessary. Furthermore, use of latex barriers and engaging in proper male organ care in general can help prevent communicable infections and keep the package healthy and thriving.

The Clap

The clap is as stubborn as it is common, and once it has found a host, it does not go away easily.  Things to look out for include a pus-like discharge coming from the male organ, along with an increased urge to urinate and painful urination.  This infection needs to be treated, as it may lead to a painful condition known as epididymitis, which can cause infertility. It can be treated with antibiotics, but some strains are becoming medication-resistant making it even more difficult to treat.

The Clam

The clam is often found concurrently with the clap, but it can also occur by itself.  It is symptomless in men about 50% of the time – though their female partners are not so lucky and can suffer serious complications.  When symptoms do occur, the man is likely to experience pain and burning during urination, discharge from the male organ, swollen and tender sack and a fever. Intimately active men who are asymptomatic should be screened for the condition regularly, as they can pass the clam on to a partner without presenting any outward signs.

Pelvic HSV

Pelvic HSV has a more noticeable set of symptoms, as even the most unobservant person is sure to be aware of pelvic sores.  A pelvic sore caused by HSV appears as a red, swollen papule that looks like a cold sore.  They can appear on the head, shaft, anus, or other areas surrounding the pelvis.  They may be itchy or painful and may produce a discharge.  HSV cannot be cured; individuals with HSV simply go through periods of outbreak and remission.  Antiviral medications can be used to shorten the outbreaks and make them less severe, and ointments may reduce pain associated with the sores.  As with the clam, HSV can be spread even during asymptomatic periods, thus safety during intimacy is imperative to protect one’s partner.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus can produce another easily noticed symptom: pelvic warts.  The virus is particularly worrisome, as it may increase one’s risk of certain types of cancer.  HPV is highly transmittable, but many carriers are asymptomatic and can therefore transmit the virus to their partners without being aware.

Maintaining Male Organ Health

While the only surefire way to avoid contracting a communicable infection is abstinence, when used properly and faithfully, latex barriers are very effective at preventing the spread of infection.  Having a conversation with new partners about reproductive health and being in monogamous relationships can also reduce the risk of contracting a communicable infection.  Above all, in the case when a suspicious symptom should appear, it is imperative to seek medical attention immediately; often the treatment is quick and effective.  Another important way to maintain the health of the male organ is to have regular check-ups even in the absence of symptoms to prevent accidental spreading of an infection. 

A daily male organ care regimen can also keep the male organ healthy.  Visual inspections of the male organ skin should be conducted as part of a grooming routine to watch for suspicious symptoms. The use of a high-quality male organ vitamin cream (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can also contribute to the health of the male organ skin When choosing a male organ crème, men should select one that is packed with vitamins and other nutrients that are especially formulated for use on the male organ.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit:  John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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