Heaven or Hell

Posted by Edna Stephen
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Everyone is aware that Man is a dust and One day when his day comes he will die and go in dust. There was a wealthy man who had everything he needs a family, good business and lots of money.

One day, he dies and finds himself in front of an old Man sitting on a throne. The man is clothed with white attire and he has bright face and golden hair. We have always imagined  and believed that there is an after life. We feel or believe that after death we will go to either heaven or hell.

This Man is given an option of choosing Heaven or Hell according to his wish. The man asks the old man to let him see the Both heaven and hell and then he will decide. The old man lets him see both.

The man first desires to go to heaven and is accompanied by an angle from heaven to show him the direction. The angle leads him inside the entrance of Heaven. The man finds the Heaven full  of light no darkness at all. It looks like an open place with no doors or windows. There are people who seems to be very happy with no sign of negative emotions. He asks one of the angle when does it get dark here? And why there is no doors or windows?  The angle replies that  there is only days and no nights here. There is no doors or windows for there is no need to because no evil thing can enter here. No thief can enter this place for it it protected by good angles. The man hears everything said by the angle but nothing interests him.

Then he desires to see hell. The angel from hell is called and leads the man to hell. The moment he enters he finds the whole place surrounded by beautiful decorated lights. He is welcomed by two angles from hell. They take him to the big table where delicious foods are kept. He eats it and feel full and happy. Then he desire to watch television where he watches his favourite movies. Then he suddenly remembers it's been a long time since he is here. He ask the angle for a computer for he wants to mail. Then the angle gives him a laptop and he types a mail.

Dear Sir,

My name is Angelo Sequeira. I have decided to stay in hell and don't want to come tp heaven. I am happy and blessed here.

and clicks on the send button..

He then tells the angle of hell that he would love to stay in hell. The angle warns him that once he registers his name he becomes a permanent member. The man smiles and say, Oh I would love to spend my entire life after death here.

Then  he find two angles looking very devilish approaching him. They take him to a room and puts him in a "Well of Fire" The man shouts and ask why are you putting me in hell why not you let me go in that posh room which I was shown. The two devils laughs their heart out. They tell the man that you have chosen your own destiny and we cannot help it now. As for the things shown to you was part of our advertisement to promote our business.................................

Moral of the Story:-The path of Heaven is narrow and difficult while the path of hell is wide and easy....It's upon us what we choose for Man makes his own destiny......................

Edna S