Using an E-Cigarette to Cut Back

Posted by William H.
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An e-cig gives you the nicotine fix you’re looking for in the most realistic way possible. Choosing vapor from an e-cig over smoke from burning tobacco is a simple lifestyle change that can have a profound impact on your health. I understand that you can become very accustomed to a certain way of doing things, but is it really worth your life?

E-cigarettes have been misrepresented. They are being labeled as a way to quit smoking. Yes, E-Cigarettes give you a way to quit smoking, but most importantly they improve your health. If you don't want to quit smoking, but are noticing some scary side effects, an ecig is right for you. The notorious smoker's cough and wheezy laugh are the first signs of damage being done from smoke. Your lungs are constantly trying to get rid of the bombardment of tar, but when you’re a heavy smoker your lungs are unable to keep up. Using an e-cig can help give your lungs a break so they can start to repair.

Using an ecigarette is sustainable unlike smoking cigarettes.You don’t have to switch cold turkey. If you enjoy the ritual of lighting a cigarette and smoking so much, then start slow. Use your e-cig every other cigarette and slowly cut down your real cigarette use. Even though you’re still smoking you may notice your cough diminishing. This can help encourage you to use the e-cigarette even more.

It takes the right person and an open mind to use an e-cig. If you’re a stubborn smoker, just try and look at the bigger picture. Instead of having to give up your beloved habit because of a severe health problem, you can smoke an e-cig and reduce your chance of any health issues.

Smokers need to realize that they are addicted to nicotine and the effects it induces. That's all it is. It's not the tobacco or the smoke from burning it. Burning tobacco to get nicotine in your body is not a sustainable habit. If you need the nicotine and enjoy the motions of smoking a cigarette, ecigs are a great alternative with much fewer side effects.

E-cigarettes are becoming more popular everyday and for a very good reason. You can smoke indoors and they are less harmful than real cigarettes by a huge margin. Also, ecigs are more efficient, which means you save money.

So do you want to keep smoking or are you willing to try something new? If so, you may find yourself becoming one of the millions of e-cig users that realize it’s the smarter choice.