The Challenge to be a networkmarketer.

Posted by Helena Perala
415 Pageviews

Networkmarketing is a big industrie, and you need skills for to not be  ripped off.

Some programs make big promisies about there programs fabules money making system.

Open market is like this: You create an offer of service or attract with glamourus words people. People are the market ..if they like it they stay..but more common is that after 6 months it collaps.

So you need education and build up skills for to be able to handle it in a good way. There are several programs for that too...but many has disapeard from online. It is not easy to make a program some covers al things up and cut off several years of learning process.

It has to be easy for everyone to start up and manage al the steps some are needed.

Next thing is the mindsetting...go from employee to home based buisness. That is a big change in life...and in mindsetting...

That can take several years just that moment. It is so fantastic to work with people and see the change from the little people to be a proffessional marketer..that is huge!

Networkmarketing is so much more than just a program to promote.

They say your list!...yeah..that is right but how?

and for how long time will it work...

That is the main work in online buisness...get in referrals=workers.

Even if programs clims other wise...the program still need referrals for to function as it should.

Advertising is a big industrie and the skills for to handle it in best way and get resluts is primary for everyone who want result.

This is huge for the new people some comes online learn al this and get it going...not so easy as they tells us..

Some people has been thinking about why not al programs are listed in 1 place and al joins it in specific order. Nice thought but the human nature do not function like this and that is why this market looks like it does.

That is the challenge of life and in marketing, the human nature and how it works.

We al want to succeed but everyone do not know how...then you need the skills for to get tools how to handle it.


Have a nice day/evening


Helena Perala