Male Organ Allergies: When Intimacy Leads to Red, Itchy Welts

Posted by John Dugan
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As couples share an amazing physical experience together, they might want to jump right back into the action as soon as an episode is over. But when intimacy leads to an itchy, red male organ, a man can feel far from happy, and he might not be willing to go back for another round until he heals up. He might even be tempted to place blame on his partner, and this can lead to ugly scenes and relationship problems.

Finding the source of male organ allergies might require the help of a doctor, but proper male organ care could help men to heal quickly and feel better so that they can get right back in the action.

Common Triggers

Men with an after-intimacy rash are quick to assume that they're allergic to female secretions. While an allergy like this is certainly possible, it's also quite rare. In fact, in most cases, the root cause of the discomfort isn't generated by the woman's body at all. Instead, the things a woman puts on her body could be to blame.

Ladies might use any of these products to make their bodies soft and inviting:

  • Lotions
  • Creams
  • Perfumes
  • Personal lubricants
  • Powders
  • Perfumed soaps

During intimacy, a man might come in contact with these irritants, and the delicate skin of the male organ might react with a rash. Doctors can run specific tests to nail down exactly what might be causing this kind of distress, but in the interim, couples can draft an allergen-free pact and ensure that neither party is using a product that could cause a rash to emerge. Products marked with the words "hypoallergenic," "allergen free" or "perfume free" are good choices.

Birth Control Methods

Although latex barrier protections are the most common form of family planning and are necessary in avoiding partner-transmitted diseases, many people are allergic to latex and may develop itchy, red, burning rashes when they're exposed. These allergies are most common in people who work in the health care industry, as they've been exposed to the substance when they are at work, using latex gloves all day long; but anyone could develop an allergy to this particular irritant.

Fertility prevention substances that line latex barriers, as well as products that are sprayed directly on reproductive tissues, can also contain chemicals that can cause allergic reactions. Even dyes used to color these products could be problematic for some people, causing breakouts that are hard to ignore.

Since allergies like this are somewhat common, manufacturers have responded by creating products that contain no latex and no other irritating ingredients. These products might be slightly more expensive, and some alternate barrier protection materials might be somewhat fragile and apt to break under vigorous use, but they might be good options to try in a rash-eliminating program.

How to Heal

A doctor is the best person to diagnose and treat a male organ rash. Through a series of tests, doctors can pinpoint what types of substances trigger outbreaks, and they can work with clients to design treatment options.

While waiting for an appointment, men can soothe irritated skin with a cool soak. Water can wash away any remaining allergens and help inflamed tissues to return to normal. Wearing breathable fabrics like cotton might also be helpful, as the inflamed skin needs to breathe in order to heal. Applying an ointment or lotion isn't advisable during an outbreak, as adding a new product could make finding the cause of the rash more difficult. 

When the skin is calm, men might consider adding a male organ health creme (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to their treatment program. Products like this contain vitamins that can help skin to stay healthy and strong and heal more quickly after irritation or injury; while natural emollients and moisturizers can keep the male organ skin smooth, supple and responsive.