Men are notorious for putting off going to the doctor, but when it comes to male organ pain, most men would agree that medical attention is a must.  While all types of male organ pain should be evaluated by the doctor, some symptoms may indicate more serious conditions than others.  A urinary tract infection (UTI), which is much less common in men than women, is an often-overlooked problem that can lead to serious complications if left untreated.  But because they are rare, many men may not be aware of the symptoms, thereby prolonging the illness and increasing the chance of complications.

Routine physical check-ups are necessary to keep the male organ healthy.  In addition to maintaining an open line of communication with a doctor, daily male organ care should be exercised at home to help reduce the incidence of painful conditions. A healthy manhood – and the perks that come with it – are important to a man’s overall health and wellness.

Signs and symptoms of a UTI

§  Burning during urination

§  Frequent urges to urinate, often passing only a small amount of urine

§  Cloudy, milky urine

§  Reddish urine or blood in the urine

§  Unpleasant smelling urine

§  Severe back pain

§  Fever; this is a serious warning sign that the infection may have moved into the kidneys

§  Nausea or vomiting, also an indication of possible kidney infection

Risk factors & causes of a UTI

A UTI is caused by bacteria entering and moving up the urinary tract, thus causing an infection.  Left untreated, the infection can easily move to the bladder or kidneys.  Different types of bacteria can cause infection, including E-coli –-a bacteria found in human waste. Improper hygiene can lead to bacterial build up in the area, making infection more likely.  Unprotected relations -- particularly through the back door -- also expose the male organ to a high level of bacteria, increasing the chances of contracting a UTI. 

Age is a significant risk factor in this type of infection. It is less likely for men under the age of 50 with an otherwise healthy male organ to be affected; however, the likelihood of a UTI drastically increases in men 60 and over.  Men who suffer from kidney stones, enlarged prostates, or other abnormalities of the urinary tract are more prone to infection.  Men who use a catheter are also at a higher risk of contracting a UTI.  Uncut men are at increased risk, as bacteria can thrive in the prepuce, making proper male organ care and hygiene especially important.  Finally, men who have a suppressed immune system, those who are obese, and individuals with diabetes are also found to be at higher risk of developing a UTI.


Treatment for a UTI is relatively straightforward. Once the doctor diagnoses the infection via a simple urine screen, a round of antibiotics is typically prescribed to eliminate the infection.  Drinking extra fluids, especially cranberry juice, may also help flush the toxins out of the body, speeding up the recovery time.  Untreated, severe UTI’s can lead to serious complications such as septic shock, fistula formation, recurrent infection, and even renal malfunction.

Male organ Care

The best way to try to avoid contracting a UTI is to eliminate as many risk factors as possible.  Men should always maintain proper hygiene of the male organ area by washing with soap and water every day. Wearing protection during intimacy also reduces the chance of bacteria being introduced into the urethra and offers a simple way to reduce the chance of infection.  In addition to these precautions, using a natural male organ health formula (most experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help boost the body’s immune function, reducing the risk of infection and at the same time improving the overall look and feel of the manhood. 

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