Posted by Sudeep Bhatt
499 Pageviews
What for we all promote our Business & Services online or Offline?
Surely for Sales & Profits.. isn't?
But does we all often get our minimum Response upon all of our hard works   of advertising here & there..
Who are the Buyers & where are the Buyers are the Two major questions that we very often ignore undermining the basic principles & ethics  of Internet & e-Business marketing...

Like Driving a car on a Right Road in an Right Way, or Commanding A Ship in Ocean in an right Navigational way maintaining co-balanced with the Nautical Miles speeds with the toughest whether Conditions against the storms.. or a Flight... but we must remember... we have More than one type of flights while we fly on the air, Commercial, Cargo, Commercial Passenger, Special Flights, Exclusive Special Flights, Military Passenger Flights, Military Flights, Bombers, Helicopters, & many mores.., hence different Flights have different Motives, Makes & Speeds..., that Wow's that to use a Passenger Flight to go Bombing some where in any Ware Zone knowing very well it going to end up within few seconds, Will you not tell this a Wrong Decision, or Call it up a Madness or an Suicide Mock.

Hence the Importance of Ads for proportion of Business, Products, & Services is equally a matter of Right Calculation ,Right Decision, & required to be promoted in an Right way instead of Random Advertising & Posting across 1000's of Websites across the World without effecting any major sales.. Do we usually for for that isn't or Not.. But I too did the same during my early online venture...2006-2009... until I happened to Learn the the actual Impact of Ads on Daily Sales, Or the Impact of Ads on Daily Website Visitors/ web Traffics.

It's no way an negative approach to promote our Links or Share our Ideas, Thoughts, Concepts, while promoting sales of our products & services across various social websites including in Apsense... while sometimes we find some of the Best Products  & services from our Fellow  Members proving  to be more beneficial for all  of us..

Imagine if you were able to  Blast your Ads to 1.3 Million Peoples Daily.. & when these 1.3 Million Peoples clicks your Links ...... what could be the outcome, Visitors or sales ??

If you have the Answer, than the Choice is yours only.... Right or Wrong..,
but all wrong decisions are never Wrong.. with the past of time some may be the right answer for you right now !!!! 

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