10 Vital Keys To Life Success

Posted by Nestorm Malaysia
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Success may seem elusive at times.

We may strive to achieve goals, read inspirational books
and really work hard to make the quality shift we may 
desire in our lives.

When that doesn't work we blame it on luck.

However, success has nothing to do with luck.

Success is a question of learning the key laws that 
govern the outcomes of your effort and taking action 
to move your Dream forward. 

My personal experience has been a rich journey that led me
to identify what I consider as the Ten Vital Keys to 
Life Success.

Nowadays, in my work as a Life Coach I base my 
facilitation on these keys which have proved to be 
the most effective way to cope
with Life's challenges and achieve Life Success.

Here's a very brief overview of the 10 Keys that can take you to
the next level in life:

1) Challenge your Self-limitations : The biggest culprit in
destroying Dreams is our own self-sabotaging thoughts. 

We need to work on these before even considering further 
progress. There are a lot of ways to do this including
by working on what I call your 'Golum' thoughts and
creating empowering Beliefs. 

Golum is the personification of the protective thoughts 
that run in our heads at times and which limit our life 
by putting excessive fear in risking and in trying out 
new things. 

Our Golum might tell us things like:
'You've failed before, what's to stop you from failing 
again' or 'Don't go out of your comfort zone or you will
get pain'.

Challenging these thoughts and creating new empowering 
beliefs is a crucial step to trigger off your journey 
towards life success.