I'll Help You Change Your Life And You Can Reach For The Stars
Sometimes it seems like we can't ever get ahead. Putting gas in our car, heating our house, trying to put clothing on our
children, a roof over their head, and food on the table can be extremely difficult these days. Most people have to go
without the bare necessities to make it.
I know how it is, the everyday struggle of not knowing where your next meal is coming from or knowing if you're not be
able to make a to the doctors because you don't have enough gas in the car. Sitting at home, freezing, keeping the heat
on the absolute bare minimum just so it lasts long enough to be able to make it another day.
The beginning of the school year rolls around and all the kids are getting new clothing except yours. Your heart breaks
as you watch your children put on shoes that they had to wear last year and that might be a little bit tight. But your
children accept it, they don't know any better, they go to school trying to hold their head high, and trying to fit in.
Christmas comes, and once again you're struggling just to be able to put a nice dinner on the table. Your children will
be lucky if they have a couple present under the tree and again your heart is breaking. Why can't things we different for
you? Why do things have to be so difficult? Why does it seem that everywhere you look everyone else has a smile on their
face, laughing and full of holiday spirit while your heart feels heavy and the world seems like it's coming to an end?
Don't you wish, just for a minute that things could be different? I know I do, or did.
I want a huge four bedroom log cabin with a wraparound deck on the side of a mountain, with rolling green hills
surrounding it. I want to be able to own a car and a truck, four wheeler's and snow machines. I want a swimming pool and
a basketball court, and the best swing set there is.
I want a stable with four horses for my daughter, with a large field for them to roam. The want my children to have the
best of everything that money can buy.
I want a bank account that always has money in it, one that is never in the red. I want my children to each have their
own individual savings account and a separate account a piece for college funds.
I want to be completely out of debt. I want to go on vacations, to places like Disneyland or even a secluded island. I
want to be able to give back to others. I want to be able to donate to charity, not be the charity.
A month ago, even a couple weeks ago, I would not have thought this was possible. I wouldn't in my wildest dreams thought
that a life like the one I'm talking about would ever be within my reach. But it is!
I was approached by a gentleman, who I will refer to as my "ANGEL". This angel asked me what I wanted out of life and
made me answer a few questions. He really made me think, And then he offered me a solution.
I am here today to ask you the same question that he asked me, and I hope that you take seriously the rest of what I'm
going to say.
When you look at your life today are there things you wish you could change? What do you need to change the thing's that
need changing?
Do you need emotional support? Do you need money?
How much money would you need right now to change things in your life? Would you need $50.00, or $100? Would that be
enough? Would $100 really be enough to change your life?
Another question that's very important, and that you need to know for yourself is, do you want to change your life now, or
your life forever? By that I mean, do you want a quick fix, a fast solution that would just put that $50.00 or $100 into
your pocket right now or do you want the solution that I can offer you?
What if I told you that there was a way for you to change things but that it would take you about five months, and a
desire to really change, would you want to know more?
Would you want me to tell you a real solution to your problem?
I have a solution! A real solution, one that will not only change your life in five months but potentially forever. The
solution I have could take you from scraping by, from eating leftovers, from wearing hand me downs, from freezing in the
winter, from missing all of your appointments to financially secure.
I'm not saying that in five months time you'll have $1,000,000 but I am saying in five months time you could have enough
money to go on a two week vacation, or to catch up on all of your bills. I am saying that if you play your cards right,
in five months time you could be at the beginning of your whole new life.
Would you believe me if I told you that you could take $10.00 and put it aside and in five months that $10.00 would be
$320 or more?
What about if I told you if you put $100 aside in five months time that $100 would miraculously become $3200 or more, and
that if you are patient you could turn that $3200 into an amazing $102,400, would you want to know more?
What I'm giving you is an answer that is legal, 100% real, and the answer to many other people's problems. This is not a
pyramid scheme, or a trick, or anything that will hurt you.
I want to help people who want to help themselves. I want to be your "ANGEL". I can be the person that holds the answer
to your prayers if you let me.
I am only willing to help people who are serious about wanting a better life.
Put it this way, in one year how much money per month do you want to have to live off? When you answer this question make
sure the amount is something you can be excited about.
Personally, in 12 months I would like to have my income be around $7500 a month, and this is completely reasonable.
I'm sure by now you think im absolutely crazy! I know if I was the one reading I would think I was crazy, but I'm not!
I would like to personally help anyone that needs the help and is willing to put forth the effort necessary to reach their
goals. If you're one of those people than please send me a message or comment below and I will give you more information.
I'm not saying at this point that I can give anyone any money but I am saying that if you can set aside a small amount of
money, as little as $10.00, I can teach you a way to become financially secure.
Wouldn't it be nice, really nice to never have to want, or need for anything? All I can promise you is if you're willing
to keep an open mind and answer the questions above honestly, and if you are serious about wanting to change your life,
then I promise I can show you the way.
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