EARN MORE, Spending the same time online

Posted by Temitope O.
486 Pageviews
As a Webmaster you will earn 50% of each advertisers bid price ( that you accept ) for each unique ad impression shown on your website and/or for each unique ad clicked on your websites ( this depends on if the bids you accept are for unique ad impressions or for unique ad clicks ).click here
You personally refer Jack and Jack purchases $10.00 worth of advertising.
You will earn a $1.00 sales commission ( 10% of the $10.00 ) on that purchase.
As a Webmaster you will earn 50% of each advertisers bid price ( that you accept ) for each unique ad impression shown on your website and/or for each unique ad clicked on your websites ( this depends on if the bids you accept are for unique ad impressions or for unique ad clicks ).

 more on www.topforeal.blogspot.com

Written by  tope omima.
Yours in suceess