Meritocracy - I am in - Are you?

Posted by Lisa F.
565 Pageviews
Every four years, the politicians suddenly remember you. Yes, it's election time and they need your vote. With honeyed words, they promise you everything, including plucking the stars from the sky just for you, the precious voter. But as soon as the election is over, every promise is forgotten and they go back to enriching themselves and revelling in their power. No stars for you, just dirty moonrock to accompany the moonshine they have sold you yet again.

Politicians will say anything to get your vote. They use "focus groups" to target you with the precise message you want to hear. They make you feel important, make you think that the fate of the nation is in your hands. The truth, of course, is that it will make no difference who wins the election. The Old World Order will still be in charge. They are never up for election.

The 400

400 Americans have as much wealth as 150 million Americans. WTF!

How is such a thing possible? The 150 million could crush the 400 in a trice. So why don't they? Why do 150 million people permit themselves to be starved of the resources needed to provide a productive life while 400 selfish individuals are allowed to live like gods?

The 400, to keep their position, have had to wage an astonishingly effective propaganda war to justify their wealth, power, status and position. The reason the 150 million do nothing is that they have been manipulated into thinking that it's right and proper that the 400 are so rich. They have had a false consciousness constructed for them by the elite. They think that their interests are directly connected to those of the rich when in fact the opposite is true.

The elite say that if there were no rich people in America it would be a communist state under a brutal dictator, with concentration camps for all troublemakers. People would have no freedom. America would be Godless and all of its people soulless and grey, with no hope for the future and at the mercy of the State. The conspiracy theories regarding the "New World Order" promote an identical message (in fact conspiracy theorists unintentionally work in tandem with the right wing, rich elite since their analysis of the world is often identical - with socialist atheists being blamed for everything).

Of course, the nightmare presented by the elite to terrify the masses is the opposite of the truth. The elite themselves are the nightmare. If all of the assets of the rich were seized the debts of the world could be paid off and the world could start again. So why don't we do exactly that? Wasn't it the elite that brought us to the precipice of financial meltdown? It certainly wasn't any of the ordinary people who had no decision-making input at all. Therefore shouldn't the elite be held accountable for the disaster they themselves created? Shouldn't they pay? Why are the people paying? Why are the people SO STUPID?!

The elite have got it made. Even in the midst of financial catastrophe, they are still paying themselves enormous salaries, with massive pay rises and bonuses, while all the debts they ran up are dumped on the dumb taxpayers. Isn't that GENIUS?! When you can rob someone blind and they even help you put your hands in their pockets to remove every last cent, you know you are indestructible, that your propaganda is so deeply ingrained that the people can no longer think. The people do not know how to pursue their own self-interest. If they did, they would destroy the super rich. If the super rich aren't responsible for fucking the world then who is? If we don't know where to attach blame and punishment, how can we ever move forward?

The super rich have made our world the shit place it is. They control the world and its assets. How can anyone analyse the state of the world and do anything other than conclude that its woes are caused by the rich?

The rich pursue an extremely simple twin-track policy: 1) To selfishly and ruthlessly enrich themselves at every opportunity, and 2) To do everything to ensure that the masses take no action against them. So, their policy is one of aggressive acquisition and one of equally aggressive propaganda to inhibit the masses from pursuing their own self interest. As long as the masses believe their interests are aligned with those of the elite, they will never challenge the elite. Revolutions occur whenever the people wake up and they realise that their interests are the opposite of those of the elite, hence the elite must be destroyed.

Make no mistake, the world is now in a Revolutionary phase because the elite have committed catastrophic blunders and the masses are beginning to comprehend that the elite are actually incompetent at everything other than feathering their own nests (at which they are geniuses).

The rich are not your friends. They are your enemies. They must be overthrown. Meritocrats devoted to the welfare and improvement of the whole population must be in charge. All systems of privilege must be abolished.
